Automatic Monkey's photo in Griffin Book... *PIC*

Sun runner

Well-Known Member
Bottoms up!

Glad I got to copy those links before you took them down.

Having a night-cap is one thing; rubbing it on my face is another!!


learning to count

Well-Known Member
A bit of animalistic porn I must say.

The original post was fun the second one was sickly funny and juvenile. Hey can't we all just get along! Now back to making money!!!!


Actually, knowing the truth about...

...that special health tonic - it proves animals have an innate intellegence about what is good for them. zg
That's crazy

Urine is waste product and your body is expelling it for a reason. The reason is not so you can take it back into your body.


No more discussion here, except this -

You are mis-informed about the nature of urine. All further reponse in the ZZone, please. zg


Healing Yourself using Urine
(Dead link:
Drink To Your Health (Urine that is!)
(Dead link:


Actually you are mistaken...

... I'm reposting the health facts of ingesting this natural substance in the ZZone just for you. zg