Back in The Game

After taking about 10 years off from serious counting while building out a business, I am back in the game as a piece of my overall investment strategy.

Starting Bankroll $25,000
Spread 1-40 units
2% ROR
6d H17 DAS
Score is about 35, but playing with no cover, in a government run establishment, they cannot back me off, or change the rules of the game for individual players.

I am playing about 5-7 hours per week on Saturday evenings. Back in the day I used to be able to back count 2 tables at a time with the way the casino was setup, but unfortunately they have drastically cut down on their tables by adding electronic betting stations and an auto shuffler and eliminating the $5 tables. The higher limit tables are now busier and they have less of them open, but the game is still very beatable.


Well-Known Member
highrollerjw said:
After taking about 10 years off from serious counting while building out a business, I am back in the game as a piece of my overall investment strategy.

Starting Bankroll $25,000
Spread 1-40 units
2% ROR
6d H17 DAS
Score is about 35, but playing with no cover, in a government run establishment, they cannot back me off, or change the rules of the game for individual players.

I am playing about 5-7 hours per week on Saturday evenings. Back in the day I used to be able to back count 2 tables at a time with the way the casino was setup, but unfortunately they have drastically cut down on their tables by adding electronic betting stations and an auto shuffler and eliminating the $5 tables. The higher limit tables are now busier and they have less of them open, but the game is still very beatable.
You in Quebec?


Well-Known Member
highrollerjw said:
After taking about 10 years off from serious counting while building out a business, I am back in the game as a piece of my overall investment strategy.

Starting Bankroll $25,000
Spread 1-40 units
2% ROR
6d H17 DAS
Score is about 35, but playing with no cover, in a government run establishment, they cannot back me off, or change the rules of the game for individual players.

I am playing about 5-7 hours per week on Saturday evenings. Back in the day I used to be able to back count 2 tables at a time with the way the casino was setup, but unfortunately they have drastically cut down on their tables by adding electronic betting stations and an auto shuffler and eliminating the $5 tables. The higher limit tables are now busier and they have less of them open, but the game is still very beatable.
May not be able back you off, but they have other counter measures. Usually half shoe you or shuffle soon you raise bets if they know you are counting. Or even flat bet.
AchillesBlackjack said:
May not be able back you off, but they have other counter measures. Usually half shoe you or shuffle soon you raise bets if they know you are counting. Or even flat bet.
If they change the rules for 1, then they change it for everyone. Only seen it once on the high limit Table, a counter made $200k in 3 months time and they changed the table to 3 deck cutoff for several months to get rid of him.


Well-Known Member
highrollerjw said:
If they change the rules for 1, then they change it for everyone. Only seen it once on the high limit Table, a counter made $200k in 3 months time and they changed the table to 3 deck cutoff for several months to get rid of him.
That's where they get you. Other flea's don't care about shoe being cut. Maybe try get other fleas mad at this? Start a revolution :D
Weekly session #4 since returning to the game, finally:

6 hour session
$1,560 in total buy-ins
$5,677 Cash-Out
$4,117 Profit on the night

Highlights of the night:
1) $250 bet at TC of +5, showing 10 against a dealer face, double down and pull an ace, the table couldn't believe how stupid and then how lucky I was.
2) TC of +9 on the final hand of the shoe, my max bet out on the table 2 spots at $250, I get 10/10 and 8/8 for hands dealer is showing a 6. I split the 10s (everyone is angry as usual), get 14 and 15, Then split the 8s one 8 draws a 3 for a double down 20, and the second is 18. Total money on the table is $1,250. Guy in the anchor position has 6/7, he signals to hit, dealer asks him if he is sure and I remind him the dealer has a busting card, thankfully he stands. Dealer flips over an 8, at this point I am standing up and feeling that rush of adrenaline, as this would determine if the night was a boom or bust.... dealer pulls a 2 for 16, and finally a 10 to bust out paying the entire table. Everyone now still thought I was crazy for splitting 10s but also loved that I had done it at the same time. I sit down and take my jacket off, too cool off as I collect my chips from the hand.
3) Guy sits down says its his first time in the casino, I tell him to assume the dealer will draw a 10, so he doesn't burn cards in high counts, fellow learns he can double down and begins doubling everything, 13-16 against a face no big deal, he is winning for a time and it was very entertaining, but eventually he busts out like the all do, but he had lots of fun, and so did I.
4) Met another card counter, this would be about the 5th one I have met at my home casinos, seems to know what he is doing. Took a 20 minute break for a McDouble meal and chatted with him for a bit. He was impressed with my betting spread, the other counters I have run across other than 1 of them do not spread properly to actually make counting worthwhile, without a proper spread, there is no money to be made. Good guy hope he sticks with it, I suggested a replenish able session bankroll to make it worthwhile. I wish him the best if he chooses to stick with it, I believe he is a member of this forum.


Well-Known Member
highrollerjw said:
After taking about 10 years off from serious counting while building out a business, I am back in the game as a piece of my overall investment strategy.
Welcome back to the game, highrollerjw. Looking forward to reading your reports and accounts of your new journey.

I particularly found your comments about back counting two tables interesting. This has been a big part of my game for the last 8 years or so, not exactly back counting, but playing one table while tracking a neighboring table so as to be able to jump to a better count and opportunity with no down time.

Unfortunately the opportunities for this technique have diminished for me as well. Covid was a big game changer as I have far fewer opportunities now than pre-covid due to fewer BJ games and the set up I need to be able to do this. There just are fewer real BJ games and more BJ variation and poker hybrid type games replacing them. And as you noted, many casinos are going to the electronic type BJ at the lowest levels, which forces the players that used to play lower levels to bump up to higher level plays making those tables too crowded to "jump to".

Anyway, again, welcome back.

beating vegas

Well-Known Member
chipturner said:
Hey, looks very interesting, if id like to learn to count got any tip about where to turn?
Go to QFIT.Look at the different counts and pick one. I suggest Hi Low for many different reason.