Bad "Luck" Casinos


Well-Known Member
First of all, I understand that blackjack is a mathematical game. What I refer to "luck" would be the short term swings one incurs that deviate from the long term expectation. :mad:

For example, I have made three trips to the Taj Mahal in AC and have I lost all three times. Of all my trips since to casinos in Vegas and AC, I had my biggest losses in this casino. The dealer's up card was consistently 10 or A, and the dealer rarely broke. When the counts increased, you get a lousy 14 against a 10, 3,4,5 card 21s, etc. Keep in mind that these are shoe games and that the counts in different shoes are plus sometimes and negative in others (i.e. I don't suspect that they remove tens from the shoe, but I could be wrong). Regardless, it seems silly to think that I can't win here because I have had success and different casinos counting shoes. It has almost gotten to the point where I am superstitous and feel that I will never be able to win in this casino. Given that I am a card counter (plus I have a mathmatical background) this seems ridiculous! My advantage in this casino should be no different than in any other casino...

I was wondering if anyone has run into some bad "luck" at a particular casino and do you stop going? :confused:


Well-Known Member
bonanza in reno i cant win there at blackjack and its single deck.. even at counts of +6 i still cant seem to do any good. and i go there about 4 times a week. however they have a very freindly roulette table that makes up for the sh*tty blackjack..


Well-Known Member
Three bad trips means nothing. If it was seven or eight then I would be worried. Is the casino cheating, well that is always a possibility? Losing streaks are part of the game and a big reason why so few people can actually handle making money counting cards. As long as you are not making errors counting the law of large numbers will work in your favour providing your bankroll is large enough.


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
Three bad trips means nothing. If it was seven or eight then I would be worried. Is the casino cheating, well that is always a possibility? Losing streaks are part of the game and a big reason why so few people can actually handle making money counting cards. As long as you are not making errors counting the law of large numbers will work in your favour providing your bankroll is large enough.
you ever seen the movie "the cooler" the casinos hire these "coolers" to be the dealers. or they use witch doctors to make bad ju-ju for the players..


Well-Known Member
There is one table...

I normally play $5 tables, but there is one $25 game I think I should be able to beat. I've gotten slaughtered every single time I've played at that table. I've temporarily given up on that one until I have more money to throw away.


Canceler said:
I normally play $5 tables, but there is one $25 game I think I should be able to beat. I've gotten slaughtered every single time I've played at that table.
I'm not understanding your post... were you over-betting?? zg


Well-Known Member
Three trips is not nearly enough to base anything on.
However,the person I consider my BJ mentor says The Taj has the worst game in AC.Think they are all eight decks with lousy penetration.
I never had a winning BJ session in Resorts.Now I simply don't play there.Its not really superstious,I just play where I feel comfortable.Showboat,Sands,Wild West,Ceasars.Claridge was good before Ballys took it over. Now dealers all have a chip up their ass most of the time.
I doubt Trumps cheating,but I'd avoid places you feel unlucky in. Feeling good about your game may be an intangible,but remember playing winning BJ is not strictly a science.Although often ignored by math geeks,there is an art to it as well.


Well-Known Member
Was I overbetting?

Overbetting the count? No.

Overbetting in relation to my session BR? Well, I brought 40-60 units to the table, which should have been enough.

Overbetting in relation to my total BR? Definitely.

I've just gotten destroyed on my few forays into green chip play. This was just supposed to be another example of the theme of this thread: Places you just can't seem to win at.