Bad start to 2011


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SleightOfHand said:
I know how you feel. Around July, playing with my cousin, I lost a bit over 200 units in a single shoe. Luckily, the next day, my cousin and I were able to recover about 160 units, which relieved the pain substantially :)
Last night near the end of the shoe, I lost 5 of my last 6 hands including two doubles (11 vs 10 upcard and 11 vs. 6 upcard) and two splits when true count stays above +9 and I bet 20 units each hand. (I spread 20 to 1 when playing multi deck.) I played 2 hours. The true count never rose above +1 and I managed to stay ahead about 20 units. But when the true count finally spiked up, it didn't have the expected effect.

I lost 160 units in 5 minutes. Similar thing happened to me one month ago when I played against the same dealer and at the same table. Too bad, this dealer seems nice. She always cheered for the players and said she wants the players to win. Her table was almost empty in the busy Saturday afternoon and the only seat I can find available. Before my departure, she also cleared about 10 players' pockets except one who won $25 and left. He wanted to continue to play but his friend lost all his $500.


Well-Known Member

21forme said:
Just to put a little positive in this thread, I'm up 700U so far this year with about 50 hours of play, about 1/3 of which came yesterday.
We consider a unit to be what we'd bet at +2 High-Low. (i.e., when you have an 0.5% advantage).


Well-Known Member
BJgenius007 said:
Last night near the end of the shoe, I lost 5 of my last 6 hands including two doubles (11 vs 10 upcard and 11 vs. 6 upcard) and two splits when true count stays above +9 and I bet 20 units each hand. (I spread 20 to 1 when playing multi deck.) I played 2 hours. The true count never rose above +1 and I managed to stay ahead about 20 units. But when the true count finally spiked up, it didn't have the expected effect.
By the way, I drew four small cards when I doubled on 11 and split the aces in those hands. And the dealer also drew small cards to make his hand when I doubled. Anything could happen in a shoe game even true count is +10. And the penetration is good. She draw 6.75 decks out of 8.


Well-Known Member
bigplayer said:
We consider a unit to be what we'd bet at +2 High-Low. (i.e., when you have an 0.5% advantage).
I've always considered a unit to be my base bet at the start of a shoe or TC=0.


bigplayer said:
We consider a unit to be what we'd bet at +2 High-Low. (i.e., when you have an 0.5% advantage).
So real-pros consider an average bet to be their unit of bank and all other measuments, results, etc.? zg
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Renzey said:
Keep playing year after year, and you will at some point run into a negative swing that will take 600 or 700 hours to recoup.
That could be 6 mo of full time play. Hey whats the difference if you've got the BR? zg


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kewljason said:
Can you explain why, please? Funny avatar, btw. :laugh:
This is nearly identical to the strategy outlined in the blackjack manual put out by Blackjack Institute (MIT Mike). The base unit was used once the given count was high enough to realize a player advantage of around .5%. Hence, in a play-all situation, the initial round (and all rounds where the player edge was less than the off-the-top HE) would call for a bet of less than 1 unit.


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pooptarts92 said:
I lost exactly 142 units one of my first day's back from saving up a BR, in about 1 hour.
I'm up 1/10 of a unit after 1 hour of play this calendar year.:rolleyes:
I don't feel as bad now... I've been on a 9 hour losing streak but I'm still at 1.7 units per hour and up 39 units. I must say I am disgusted with my play and questioning my whole career in card counting. Whenever I come across I super fast dealer I always seem to lose count and am forced to flat bet the remainder of the shoe. Mainly happens in 8 deck games about 4 decks in. I hope this is fixable with more practice...


Well-Known Member
jerseycounter said:
Whenever I come across I super fast dealer I always seem to lose count and am forced to flat bet the remainder of the shoe.
One less drink. You want these dealers.