Barfy's September Trip part-2


From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 13:46:25 EST
Subject: link to trip report part 2
To: [email protected]


Are you back from LV yet?

It'll be ok to post this link on CCCafe or Eliot's site if you wish

Here's the link to Las Vegas trip report Part 2 by LV Pro, along with the summary on the main page of the Blackjack Insider newsletter [issue 35].

"We begin issue #35 with the conclusion of LV Pro's latest attack on Sin City and his quest to achieve a $10K bankroll (you'll be surprised at the final tally). This is the conclusion of LV Pro's September trip that resulted in his biggest win ever. Highlights include how LV Pro used blackjack bonus coupons to his advantage; his encounter with a floor supervisor that caught him card counting; more playing adventures with his mentor, "The Grifter"; where LV Pro found a game that paid 2 to1 on blackjacks; how he used "cover parlay betting" to disguise his skills; and how he tried to avoid the "last day jinx" that has plagued him on previous trips. Did LV Pro win enough to reach his $10K playing bankroll goal?"

cheers! Barfarkel


Note: LV Pro (aka Barfarkel) is a serious recreational player who started with basic strategy in 1996 and learned the Silver Fox count by the end of 1998. He has been counting since early 1999. After suffering some team losses in 2000 he started playing solo last year, starting with the $2K bankroll that he had left. He slowly built it up with red play over the past year to the present $9.5K level. He gets to LV at least 6 times a year and has some team experience. zg


Las Vegas Trip Report, September 2002- Part 2
by LV Pro, published on Thursday, November 14 2002

Note: For Part 1, see issue #34 of the Blackjack Insider Newsletter at (Dead link:

With three full days left on my trip, I was up $575 after 20 hours of play. My first session of the day was at my hotel's $10 DD game.

With my favorite dealer on the game again, I went through the first two shuffles without losing a single hand. He was dealing deep, at least 80%. This was the best pen I saw during the entire trip. Since the count didn't fluctuate too positive or negative, I really never got a chance to put my top bets out. I used my "cover parlay" ploy and just kept chipping up after each win. To not do so while on such a noticeable streak would have been suspicious. I think I got up to maybe $55 as my high bet this session. I couldn't help feeling a bit guilty and conspicuous, so I quit when my dealer finally went on break. After 45 minutes I colored out with a $350 win.

That's the only trouble with counting cards. You're always correlating your bet amounts to the count so when a big lucky streak happens to come along you don't keep "doubling up" as most ploppies would, unless a rising count happens to coincide with the streak. If the count stays fairly neutral throughout and you're winning every hand, a counter is more likely to bet the same amount each time. This doesn't look quite right to the pit, nor does it feel right to most experienced gamblers. Over the long haul though, I know counters will win more than the progressionists who advocate only "up as you win" betting schemes and neglect the primary info of remaining deck(s) composition. Still I felt some regret at not having bet bigger during that incredible little run. Oh well. You can't have it both ways.

continued here -
(Dead link: