Basic Counting Spreadsheet

Here is a basic spreadsheet that I made to practice at home. There are two tabs at the bottom. After dealing the cards and playing them as you see fit you enter the cards into the "Count" tab using numbers.

2-9 you use the face value. Eg. 5 if hearts is "5".
10-K = 0
A = 1

You enter them from left to right. It does not matter what order you put them in.


The betting side allows you to practice entering bets and Win/Losses. It will keep a running total of winnings and also show you the running count using the rever +- system.

I only have about thirty minutes of work done on this so please forgive how basic it is. I will complete a better one soon. Comments are welcome.

(Dead link: _Publicbjsheet.xls_


Well-Known Member
DocSkyHawk said:
Here is a basic spreadsheet that I made to practice at home. There are two tabs at the bottom. After dealing the cards and playing them as you see fit you enter the cards into the "Count" tab using numbers.

2-9 you use the face value. Eg. 5 if hearts is "5".
10-K = 0
A = 1

You enter them from left to right. It does not matter what order you put them in.


The betting side allows you to practice entering bets and Win/Losses. It will keep a running total of winnings and also show you the running count using the rever +- system.

I only have about thirty minutes of work done on this so please forgive how basic it is. I will complete a better one soon. Comments are welcome.

(Dead link: _Publicbjsheet.xls_
Is this anything close to what the casino does in a "rundown" you spoke of in another thread?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's what I'd rather see :)

Actually, question about the % score yielded by a rundown. If someone was just alternating their bets randomly, would their score be 50%? And if someone was counting perfectly opposite to the count, would the score be 0%? Just wondering what a 30% score is.
Yes, this is close to the basic sheet that is used in a rundown. Of course this one is just some of the basic functions and doesn't give a score.

If you were to randomly change your bets, the score would be just some random score. This type of betting is known as WAG. Wild A^^ Guessing. The person doing the rundown would see this right away.

To get a score of 0% just leave your bet at a flat amount. Of course counting would be worthless. Unless you use it to deviate from basic. Then at that point getting caught would be really hard. It would show that you are not counting and don't seem to know basic! :grin:

The score you would get is affected by doing the correct thing at the correct time. Are you raising your bet on a high count and are you lowering it on a low count.


During a shoe the count goes over +5 ten times. (right!, but this is an e.g.)

While the count is +5 you should have raised your bet on those five times. BUT, you only raised it 5 times. 5/10 There is your score of 50%.

It gets into more detail but I can't go on about too much. The rest of it wouldn't be of much help anyways.

My advice to everyone is just stay under the radar. Don't go in with a hat on and sunglasses by yourself not talking and betting big. Even though it's nice don't let your winnings become too big. When you are betting big and winning big you draw attention. When you are betting under $100 and quitting when you have less then $1000 there is less/no heat.

When you are betting higher use larger chips. Two green chips are not as noticeable as ten red.

More to come.


I suppose you could ferret some of those winnings into your coat pocket if you wanted to stay below radar as well. Wouldn't be too hard to casually palm a black chip as you laid a bet.


Well-Known Member
Blacks are tracked too carefully. Rathole green instead.

But even then, if you're spotte ratholing green, people are really going to think you're up to something, because that's so damn weird.
The casino doesn't really care what you do with the chips. The pit supervisors are always checking on tables to see how players are doing overall. Not so much how many chips are in front of them. Some players take their chips home and come back with them. Surveillance might also be watching the game. Nothing to worry about though. When I watch I am mostly watching to make sure the game is run correctly. Things like the dealer paying odds, following table rules, and checking for people out of place. Most of the time we want to see players winning. Just not thousands!!!! :laugh:

Unless you are playing a small casino of five tables, no one is going to care if you made $300. We payout $4000 slot jackpots by the hour.