Basic strategy question

Im a casino dealer, but not a player. I decided to revisit the basic strategy under these conditions: 6 decks, S17, D9, DAS, No Surrender, No Peek
Estimated casino edge for these rules: 0.64 % how come it says not to split A vs A but a couple of months ago it said to.

Why is there a difference in house edge between peek and no peek.

Also just noticed, it used to say double 11 vs T but now it doesnt?!!!


Well-Known Member
walrus_poker said:
Im a casino dealer, but not a player. I decided to revisit the basic strategy under these conditions: 6 decks, S17, D9, DAS, No Surrender, No Peek
Estimated casino edge for these rules: 0.64 % how come it says not to split A vs A but a couple of months ago it said to.

Why is there a difference in house edge between peek and no peek.

Also just noticed, it used to say double 11 vs T but now it doesnt?!!!
well i'll answer the obvious question, no peek is much worse because you could split/double down and then end up losing twice your original bet to a blackjack.


Well-Known Member
bluewhale said:
well i'll answer the obvious question, no peek is much worse because you could split/double down and then end up losing twice your original bet to a blackjack.
i thought some no peek games refunded your split and double down if the dealer pulled a snapper. :confused: i'm not really sure....

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
i thought some no peek games refunded your split and double down if the dealer pulled a snapper. :confused: i'm not really sure....
Depends on if it's "australian" (friendly) or "european" (you're hosed) rules.


Well-Known Member
The strategy given by the engine is correct. The TD EV is -0.613721130967071%.


Well-Known Member
different games, different strategy

walrus_poker said:
Im a casino dealer, but not a player. I decided to revisit the basic strategy under these conditions: 6 decks, S17, D9, DAS, No Surrender, No Peek
Estimated casino edge for these rules: 0.64 % how come it says not to split A vs A but a couple of months ago it said to.

Why is there a difference in house edge between peek and no peek.

Also just noticed, it used to say double 11 vs T but now it doesnt?!!!
What you are seeing is a strategy where the dealer does peek and things like doubling 11 vs T and splitting aces vs A, are proper moves because you know the dealer does not have blackjack.
The other set of strategy is for the game where if you double or split but when the dealer does look at the hole card and finds a blackjack, you lose all of your bets.
This rule puts doubling and splitting against a dealer T or A in serious jepordy.

You guys are kidding right? Maybe I dont know about it, but here, its original bets only. Can someone tell me in OBBO (original busted bets only) is the basic strategy different with 11 vs T and AA vs A


Well-Known Member
walrus_poker said:
You guys are kidding right? Maybe I dont know about it, but here, its original bets only. Can someone tell me in OBBO (original busted bets only) is the basic strategy different with 11 vs T and AA vs A
If the play you are concerned about doesn't have a possibility of busting (e.g. splitting AA or doubling 11 or less) then the strategy is the same as the OBO strategy.