beat CSM team , pls join us now!!


Well-Known Member
we are international team to beat casino CSM

if anyone have idea how to beat it , u are welcome to join us

u can send an email with your idea and msn contact

to [email protected]



Well-Known Member
Not being funny but if i or anyone else knew how to beat CSM's why would they email you the details?



Well-Known Member
I think the answers (what pass for answers) are within a range of previous posts on the subject.

I hope they have a lot of patience and a pile of money.



Well-Known Member
Honestly i doubt anything revealed here is going to crack open CSM's or the casino vaults.



Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
we are international team to beat casino CSM

if anyone have idea how to beat it , u are welcome to join us

u can send an email with your idea and msn contact

to [email protected]

dont west time
tray to find good beting strategy
ask oscar and mortegeil about this


Well-Known Member
I am looking for bags of money that fell off an armored truck. Anyone who knows where I can find bags of money please PM me.


Well-Known Member
Pro21 said:
I am looking for bags of money that fell off an armored truck. Anyone who knows where I can find bags of money please PM me.
Sorry my homing pigeons just picked them up along Route 66 and they're on their way home. I hope there hundys and not singles.



Well-Known Member
Most likely, the only way to beat those CSM's, actually beat the living crap out of them, is using baseball bats. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Avoid them

The best way to beat them, is to avoid them.
Don't waste your time at the 1-2-6 for example.

There may be some brands of CSM's, where we have
an advantage.

The more I occupy with them, the more I become frustrated.



Well-Known Member
We never give up

Martin Gayle said:
If I knew how to beat them would you give me $100,000 to tell you?
Hey, don't give up guys. These things were invented and built by human minds. Just because it's a tough ask, doesn't mean it's impossible to beat the things. Evolution is all about the principle of man beats machine that someone else made. Can slots be beaten? I doubt it, except with that baseball bat. Hang on, where was I? Oh yeh, CSMs can be beaten. I believe that. Not by me yet, but one day, who knows? What tools have we got?
1 Dealer busts 2 Streaks 3 Dealer performance the last several rounds
4 Single box is waste of time 5 Still looking... :cat:


Well-Known Member
If someone can, KOLAN can

KOLAN, If there is somebody here knows how to beat the CSM, I reckon it's you mate. Can you help? :cat:
beyondbj said:
we are international team to beat casino CSM

if anyone have idea how to beat it , u are welcome to join us

u can send an email with your idea and msn contact

to [email protected]

If anyone is going to have any chance at all of beating CSMs (without cheating).I believe your first step is going to have to be able to have an intricate understanding of how they exactly work and then secondly, know the very hard math involved to work out a way of beating them.

Anyways i have a few very far long shot ideas but they are all bordering on voodoo strategies so are pretty much useless.

Anyways if anyone did find a way there would be no way in hell they would tell anyone (let alone you) as that would be just plain stupid and crazy.

If by some miracle chance someone did find a way, it would give them a massive advantage since everyone believes it is impossible to beat. They would therefore have free run of every casino in the world and would make hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars.However if they did tell someone their profitability would drastically decrease, you would find less and less games and the casinos in the end might at a long shot get rid of all blackjack tables in favour of computer blackjack (which is coming into star city and is in nearly every rsl club in sydney)

So basically unless your the one who figures out how to beat them without cheating your never going to find out unless someone is smart enough to figure it out yet stupid enough to tell you or in that fact anyone.


Well-Known Member
Well, how about this question then: How would one go about getting their hands on a working machine to analyze?

I'm pretty sure that if it is solvable, I can do it, and I'd love to give it a shot. Frankly I wouldn't have time to exploit it myself though.

However, if the engineers had any clue at all when designing the thing, the patterns are no more predictable than a slot machine.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
Well, how about this question then: How would one go about getting their hands on a working machine to analyze?
Uhhh, buy one. They turn up on eBay from time to time, or you can pay full price from a casino supply company.


Well-Known Member
Pro21 said:
Uhhh, buy one. They turn up on eBay from time to time, or you can pay full price from a casino supply company.
Perhaps, but I checked ebay's "completed listings", and not a single one showed up, so if there was ever one on ebay it was a long time ago. I believe the casino suppliers will only sell these to those with gaming licenses; maybe someone overseas can get one.

It's still a longshot though.


Well-Known Member
Friends and I have had every CSM to come out except the 126 which I don't think anyone has worked hard to get yet.

No offense, but if you can't figure out how to get your hands on a machine I doubt you will have any chance of finding a way to beat it.


Well-Known Member
ASM for sale if you act fast:

(Dead link:

Thanks to Pro21 for the link.
