Belterra Casino


New Member
Our last trip to Belterra was in February,2005. They have both shoe games (8 deck) and Continuous Shuffle Machines (5 deck). All games are Stand on 17, Double on anything, only split aces once and no surrender. The shoe games are generally $10 or more minimum. The CSM games are sometimes $5 minimum. However they are understaffed to the point that it is sometimes difficult to find an empty seat. My wife and I like to play at the same table together. After 4:00pm it is imposible to find a table with two seats.

When we first started going there last in 2003 they were very friendly toward seniors and generous with comps. After new managers took over last year, all senior promotions stopped and comps have become very scarce. Last year we were generally comped a room and at least one meal each based on our level of play. On our last previous trip in 2004 we only qualified for a "casino rate" on the room and one meal. On our trip in February we were told we did not qualify for any comps, even though we played nearly 6 hours of blackjack each and about 5 hours of video poker in the 24 hour period and lost more than $700.



Thanks for the info, usually go to Grand Victoria, was thinking about checking BT out, this is enough to keep me where I am. GV does a great job of taking care of slot/vp players. And along the line of comps, I posted a while back about a short visit to Harras in Cherokee Nc. Well last week I get a pack of packet from them, I got the following for a couple hours play and actually leaving with more cash than I came in with. ONE free buffet, half price room on weekdays, and a couple $5.00 cash slips.


New Member
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Hello dudes I won $850000, while playing on (Dead link: _Online Casinos_ (Dead link: Planning to buy a porche this summer. Surely (Dead link: _Best Online Casino_


Well-Known Member
How nice. Just a few questions...

Does this have anything to do with Belterra Casino?

Shouldn't this be in the Online Casinos forum?

Are three links enough?

"Planning to buy a porche"
Do you mean Porsche, or porch?

"this summer"
You'll be old enough to drive then?