Best $5 shoe games


Active Member
I plan on being in vegas next monday - thursday. Does anyone know where to find the best $5 (preferably 6 deck) shoe games? If you have any details on pen that would be great too; i assume heat will not be an issue for a $5 game. I know the wizard of vegas is suppose to have this info, but the minimum is full of "?"...Please PM me if you dont want to post the info. Thanks


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
ECs double deck is dealt from a shoe.
As is their SD. But in either case, heat OFTEN becomes an issue in this place, even at the $5 games. The El Cortez has been overly paranoid of ANY kind of advantage play ever since RC won that big settlement from them.


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
As is their SD. But in either case, heat OFTEN becomes an issue in this place, even at the $5 games. The El Cortez has been overly paranoid of ANY kind of advantage play ever since RC won that big settlement from them.
RC? Details?


Well-Known Member
A well known AP was arrested there a few years back & won a sizeable settlement for false arrest. I've been asked by Ken to never name names on this site; but since I'm not revealing his online username, and since this is public knowledge anyway;I don't think Ken will have a problem with me providing this link: (Archive copy)

Until this incident, the El Cortez was a pretty good place for making money. I had made numerous five figure scores there myself over the years.


Well-Known Member
Dont' play at the El Cortez.

Back on point, downtown has some OK shoe games for $5. New York New York is H17 but they'll cut about a deck.

Just go back-counting; don't worry about the mins.


I just got back from Vegas. I played aggressive at El Cortez for a long time and never got any heat. I went from one to two spots and back again. I was using a 1-12 spread in both the double and single deck. The pit looked like they didn't even want to be there.


Well-Known Member
burneyj5 said:
I just got back from Vegas. I played aggressive at El Cortez for a long time and never got any heat. I went from one to two spots and back again. I was using a 1-12 spread in both the double and single deck. The pit looked like they didn't even want to be there.
Hmm... maybe it's just that one sharp boss. He nailed my ass quick, and got my buddy in a few hours only spreading $5-20.

I think he's on swing, so maybe graveyard and day are ok.