I know this is a spinoff question, but believe its related.
Isnt it true that there's one facecard for every 3.25 cards. Therefore whats the odds if your playing heads up with the dealer and you both getting dealt a 20, four facecards in a row when there should of been, only one?
To make my question more clear, say i got dealt a twenty and the dealer was dealt , lets say a pair of 66,s. Again, there was two facecards out of four when there should of been only one! On avg.
Its seem"s to me your chances of getting dealt a 20 are less when playing heads up with the dealer. As oppossed to if there were two or three other people playing at the table. So facecards can distrubute themselves more evenly.
"Provided" that this is true shouldnt we be a bit more conservatie when raising our bets, when playing heads up against the dealer?
Since some of our ev comes from being dealt pat hands and having less standing vs drawing decisions. Therefore should'nt we be slighty more conservative when playing heads up, because your chances of getting a 20 our less at the same count opposed to if there were two or three other people playing?
After years of playing blackjack i think ive taking a subtle notice that i get dealt more 20's [percentage wise] when im not playing heads up. Any thoughts?