best unbalanced count

hey guys,

Im trying to learn a balanced count but its too hard for me to convert to a true count. So my question is, whats the best possible unbalanced count? and in what book can i find it?


Well-Known Member
Read a bit here on the forum. That question comes up a lot and has been answered several times. Knockout is highly thought of and is available from the store here on this site. Look under Books.
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killerbot848 said:
basically im looking for a count with very high BC and PE. One that would get me more money.
The count that might do the trick for you is BRH-1. The system tags are- {-2,1,2,2,3,2,1,0,0,-2}. The BC is around 0.99, and the PE is OK but unless you are playing SD or DD no need to worry too much about PE. Brett Harris wrote a book on it. It can be used as a running count and it works just fine, and if you want to get your PE up you can use it in True Count mode for even more power.
i was wondering if theres a book on the ubz 2, and whats the info in blackbelt in blackjack? do they teach you how to use ubz 2?


killerbot848 said:
i was wondering if theres a book on the ubz 2, and whats the info in blackbelt in blackjack? do they teach you how to use ubz 2?
UBZ is sold by BUT in theory you could develop one simply by changing the card-tags and siming the indices.

tags (2-A)

ZEN: 11222100-2-1
UBZ: 12222100-2-1
so what you are saying is that if i knew the zen count, i could change thoses tags and i would have an ubz 2? but isnt the zen count balanced?


Well-Known Member
killerbot848 said:
so what you are saying is that if i knew the zen count, i could change thoses tags and i would have an ubz 2? but isnt the zen count balanced?
The first set of tags was for the balanced Zen, and the second set of tags was for unbalanced zen. There is a pretty big difference between the two systems, it's not as simple as just changing the tags if you know the Zen count.


Well-Known Member


the advantageplayer site is very reputable for ordering. have never heard of the other site but I have been away from these boards for awhile. you might try as an alternative.
