jimpenn said:
Kasi, I've watched you play. I'll introduce myself when I finish learning all I can handicapping you. In the mean time, enjoy your day and continued success.
You mean you were there that day The Wise One and I played? Son-uva-gun, why didn't you say hello? What a fun day it was. Had a blast. Wise One - did I finish at zero hours later?
I have no idea btw what this "handicapping" stuff might mean. Sounds serious though lol.
Happy to meet you anytime. Be fun for me.
Thanks for the good wishes and same to you - but just in case that by "continued success" maybe perhaps in your mind implied even the slightest thing to do with BJ, it's completely a non-issue. I basically don't even try to make money card-counting in case you didn't realize that. I count for the fun of it, apparently out-loud like The Wise One says lol, but who gives a crap when I mostly flat bet at a monster crappy 8D $5 table lol? Just enjoy the theory for the most part. Maybe that's why I don't bother with it lol. Don't play enough, don't like the roll committment and return vs risk vs how little I play especially for the games in the East, etc. If I gave a darn, which I don't, say like in West VA which now is recently close and maybe actually has some marginal potential since I could get actually get there often, although it's possible I may actually change my mind, I admit to being a little on the fence about it, I'd invest $100 or whatever it costs, cheap at twice the price, in the only product out there worth investing in, everyone knows what it is, and sim my ass off 1000 ways before I'd even think of wagering $3 lol.
So, while in theory lol, I maybe wouldn't have to ask myself what's a "better" game betting this way or that way, how much should I have won by now, etc, but it's just numbers after all, not money.
So, you represent reality to me. I respect that in so many ways. I'm in the metaphysical world. Maybe we're actually Capt Kirk after the transporter accident split him into 2 different personalities and you got the balls and I'm the wimp but yet , somehow, it turns out we need each other to survive lol.
But, nonetheless, hope the 2 can meet someday
Missing out on meeting me, you missed absolutely nothing I can absolutely assure you as I'm sure you've already concluded. There's nothing more to handicap. Missing out on meeting The Wise One, having dinner with his wife, listening to his stories, was more + EV than any numbers could ever hope to measure. Like $5 or $100/hr compares to laughter and fun.
Wow, I admit to being a little blown away by all this in alot of ways but that's OK lol.