betting big chips


Well-Known Member

I have noticed that whenever I bet black chips ($100 chips) they always call out to the pit boss that I am betting black chips, I have never tried betting purple chips ($500) and I have never placed a $500 bet before, but I was wondering if its better to just play with alot of green chips ($25 chips) and just place large stacks of them as my bets when I bet a lot, or should I bet bigger chips and bet less of them?

Yesterday when I was playing I was play with red chips ($5 chips) at a $10 table and I was just betting with them, so when I would make a large bet ($100-$200) it would be a large stack of red chips, and I could tell that the pit boss was watching me, plus other players would make note of my giant chip stack being bet and comment on it.

is it better to bet larger chips?


Well-Known Member
I've found that usually using a small number of medium chips is best. Betting big chips almost always gets a "black/purple action!" call out. I've found betting multiple green chips is better, but the dealer will still usually call out "checks play", though not as often. The best thing IMO is to try to keep your stack sizes consistent. Bet 4 reds for $20, 2 greens and 2 reds for $60, 4 greens for $100, 4 black for $400, etc. I've found it gets noticed a lot less. Betting large stacks of red up to $100 isn't bad either because it makes you look like a greedy gambler, especially if you had "let it ride" when the count went up.


Well-Known Member
If a $100 bet gets too many calls to the pit, bet 2 hands of $50 or $75 instead whenever possible. You avoid the calls and reduce the variance. If that isn't possible, try to play at a time/place where the pit can't/won't pay much attention to the calls.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
If a $100 bet gets too many calls to the pit, bet 2 hands of $50 or $75 instead whenever possible. You avoid the calls and reduce the variance. If that isn't possible, try to play at a time/place where the pit can't/won't pay much attention to the calls.

whenever I have $50 out of more its always on 2 spots, so if I have $100 out its really 2x$100 , I play 2 hands whenever possible to reduce variance unless the count is low and then I play 1 hand at the table min. but if Im not playing at the table min I really try to play 2 handed to reduce my variance.

that's a good idea about the standard chip stack size things, I'll remember it


Thats wierd, Ive never heard them call that out here in Oklahoma even with tall stacks of black, only thing ive ever heard them call out is purple action! Stick to reds and greens imo



Well-Known Member
Deathclutch said:
Don't bother trying $95 bets. They just call out "five under checks play!" :eek:
no they dont call out anything with a $95 bet from what ive seen, I have bet $100 and they dont always call it out, just when I bet a black.

all the blackjack tables at the casino I like to go to at $500 table maxes, so you cant exactly bet a stack of purples


Well-Known Member
Rmitch223 said:
Thats wierd, Ive never heard them call that out here in Oklahoma even with tall stacks of black, only thing ive ever heard them call out is purple action! Stick to reds and greens imo
That's probably because they charge you per hand to play.. Very hard to get an edge on that kind of a game.


Yeah, I dont know if its truely beatable or not, but I do know i come out ahead more often than not. There are many casinos here that will pay the ante for you on certain nights. But yes I cant stand the ante it definitly hurts my profits, but its not a huge obstacle....



Well-Known Member
I'll share a few of my random thoughts:

1) If you bet black, you can get a "black action" call. If you bet heavy green, they'll call "checks play" instead. I'm not sure if one is worse than the other since they both draw attention to your table. I personally prefer using the higher denomination chip since it makes payouts faster. For example, if you bet a stack of $100 in red, the dealer will often break down the stack and pay you in green so you don't end up with all the red chips in their tray. This process needlessly slows down your game. If they decide to just pay you in red, at some point you may win enough of the red chips in the tray that you'll have to color up - another process which slows down the game.

2) Someone suggested "barber poling", or betting the same number of chips so something like a $40 bet (one green/three red) doesn't appear much different than an $80 bet (three green/one red). I think this does help fool the pit and the eye, especially if the dealer doesn't splash the chips when paying out (but instead just separates the two chip colors and leaves them stacked). I've observed that surveillance has a hard time knowing how many chips are in a single stack if they are not splashed. The downside of rainbow bets is you will slow the game down since the dealer has to break down your stack to prove you bet multiple denominations. It also takes a little longer for the dealer to rack up losing bets.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about the size of the chip you play. If you look like you're trying to fool them, it raises even more suspicion. If you are in quick and out, all the better. By the time they figure out you may be counting, you're gone.

If you plan to stay, you'd better mask your play enough to keep you under the radar.

Sometimes I'll ask what that means when they say black plays. The dealer is usually polite enough to explain it to me which further keeps me under the radar.

If I think they have called upstairs to have them analyze my play, I know I will be hard pressed to fool them, but I might still try. The trouble is, the more you mask your play, the more advantage you're giving back to the house. As a rule, I don't like to mask much unless there is deep penetration which will give me enough time in positive counts (sometimes) to make it worthwhile (I'm talking about 6 deck shoe games where the count can stay positive for eons with enough pen).


Not a huge obstacle?

50 cents a hand ante IS a huge obstacle! Heads up you can have about 100 hands an hour and you are paying $50 an hour just to play. To play this game is financial suicide in the long run.

I'm very surprised no one pointed this out before me saying anything about it. I was researching different casinos to play for a "road trip" last year and WOW there was a lot of casinos in good ol' Okielahoma. I looked into it further to find out about this .50 "ante" per hand and skipped the idea of stopping in Oklahoma for anything other than gas! Playing this .50 ante per hand game is just out of the question unless you are playing just for fun and don't care about losing.

For me, betting one WHITE chip is too much, let alone some black and purple in the State of Oklahoma. I'm sure they line them up all day long to play this game, much the way they do with 6:5 these days in other places... there's a sucker born every minute and I'm sure there's a lot of people playing these games and wondering why they lose so much. Luck only runs for so long and then grim, hard statistics and mathematical probability have a way of catching up to you if you are not careful and are willing to gamble frivolously and play such garbage.

Oddly enough, you can often get away with 4 greens without them calling out "checks play" easier than putting a single black chip out there. Quite often the pit simply acknowledges that black chips are being played and don't actually pay much attention until you are coloring out. They are responsible from an accounting standpoint for what's going on with the chips in the rack and if black chips go out, they like to know exactly who was playing them. The dealer calling out "checks play" does not neccessarily mean "they have your number" and plan on dragging you out back, kicking your ass and taking all their chips back or anything... at least in most places.
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Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
50 cents a hand ante..
Tarz, are you sure they rake fiddy cent on at a $10 table?:eek:

5% on $10 bet:whip: ...comical that they apply heat too :laugh:

That is downright illegal and someone should give them some HEAT:devil:


Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
Quite often the pit simply acknowledges that black chips are being played and don't actually pay much attention until you are coloring out. They are responsible from an accounting standpoint for what's going on with the chips in the rack and if black chips go out, they like to know exactly who was playing them. The dealer calling out "checks play" does not neccessarily mean "they have your number" and plan on dragging you out back, kicking your ass and taking all their chips back or anything... at least in most places.
well, I dont think many people play with black chips, I rarely ever see anyone betting blacks and the majority of the blacks I have ever seen being bet are by me in one shoe that I was betting 2 hands at 2 blacks per hand for like 15 hands in a row. it would be easy to know who was playing blacks I would think


Well-Known Member
Betting $95 slows the game down because it is not a so called automatic payout if you get blackjack. That is one that dealers have to think about. They have to think before they pay you your $142.50 on the plus side if you are paying two hands it could lead to more errors. They don't have to call out checks play on this bet because at the end you will color up and the pit boss will know how much you won. They need to know checks play because $100 chips are a lot of times the highest denomination chip at the table. The casino wants to know how much it is winning or losing at all times.


Yeah there are many casino here that have ante free times and thats where I go to play mostly. Right now Firelake is ante free all month at every table!


Well-Known Member
Sortof on the same topic -

What if you are winning and want to make it look like you haven't won too much? For example..Would it be better to have a few blacks or a bunch of piles of reds? Or do they not give a crap at a $5 game?

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
On the topic of checks play: Sometimes it helps to have a stupid grin on your face while the dealer calls "checks play," like you're amazed to have so much money in front of you and you're high on the excitement of betting "big" money. Maybe give the boss a thumbs-up if they look over to you. A wink, too.


Well-Known Member
Meistro said:
i thought oklahoma games are unbeatable

Although I've never played them, I hear good things about these games.
Evidently, competition there is intense and many casinos eat the state manated antes for some players.