betting big chips


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Although I've never played them, I hear good things about these games.
Evidently, competition there is intense and many casinos eat the state manated antes for some players.
I was at one the other day. At this particular one, if you signed up for a players club card they waived the ante. Overall the games were very poor though.


Well-Known Member
Lonesome Gambler said:
On the topic of checks play: Sometimes it helps to have a stupid grin on your face while the dealer calls "checks play," like you're amazed to have so much money in front of you and you're high on the excitement of betting "big" money. Maybe give the boss a thumbs-up if they look over to you. A wink, too.
One thing I love to do is when I make a table max bet, If I win and the pit boss is next to me (watching me) I will make a fist and be like "pound it" and we bop fists, and I talk about how awesome it feels to bet that much and about how its scary and fun.

Also before I make a max bet sometimes I ask the dealer, "should I go for it"? if I just lost a bet that was half of the max the hand before


Well-Known Member
Rmitch223 said:
Deathclutch which casino was this? What makes the games poor?
All the shoe games other than a high limit game were all 8 decks (I don't know the exact rules, I didn't even play one), and the DD games were H17, D8-11 and it's quite possible they were giving less than 50% penetration. Throw on a .50 cent ante if you don't have a players card and that must be a horrible game for the average person to play. This particular casino is in the very northeast corner in Oklahoma, called Downstream.


Well-Known Member
Black Action

If I walk into my local casino, throw down $2,000 cash and proceed to flat bet $100 chips, will this bring me any more pit attention than my usual red or green action with little spread?

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
tribute said:
If I walk into my local casino, throw down $2,000 cash and proceed to flat bet $100 chips, will this bring me any more pit attention than my usual red or green action with little spread?
Not only what DB said (especially because of the flat betting because that's a negative EV), but a 20 unit buy-in is just right and should never bring any heat.

Best regards,
