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Well-Known Member
vonQuux said:
That doesn't seem fair since my experience has spanned Windows 3.1 through Vista, Mac 7.6.8 through OS X 10.4.10 and various flavors and kernels of Linux (mostly Debian and RH) since around 1998. I've worked in dialup end-user environments, TCP/IP stack networking troubleshooting, NOC->engineering liaison work, training and even some mom + pop hand-holding in the burbs.
Very good. My experiences include dozens of operating systems over the last 42 years. I have modified the internals of eight operating systems. My communications experiences go back to the 60's and the internals of early communication software aiding IBM in early RJE systems. I was a thesis adviser in communications in the 60s at the Univ. of Penn. Later I ran a centralize technology area in the largest financial corp in the country. The area I ran was responsible for technology planning and architecture for 75 businesses in 45 countries. I have also lectured on technology architecture in a couple dozen countries. Architects working for me designed the Citibank ATM communications infrastructure in the US. Frankly, I think I was very polite in equating our experience levels. But you still take offense.

As for false advertising, the Apple commercials have indicated among other things that Windows machines have monochrome monitors, can't edit movies or play music or manage photos, run fewer applications than Macs, don't come with pre-installed software, require a technician to install, don't work at all, and on and on. Nowhere do they mention that most applications won't run on a Mac. People are genuinely surprised when they call me and I tell them Macs won't run my software. This is a new phenomenon. It hardly ever occurred before the current set of Mac ads, and now it's common. Clearly the ads mislead people.

I really don't understand why you take such offense or why you are using such charged words as "feigning confusion," "selective," "polemics," "irrational," "embarrassing ," "a novice gambler." I simply made a suggestion that Apple support Windows apps for the good of its users and that everyone should have anti-virus software. These are my honest opinions.

For a recent article on Mac hacking, see
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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Its moot since Mac runs Windows, right?
Even before that Mac simulated Aindows, right? zg
Two problems. One you have to buy Windows at retail. If Apple offered it as an option, it would come at the dramatically lower OEM price. Two, the user must install Parallels or Boot Camp and do a full Windows install and configure all this stuff. Apple's ads claim their systems run right out of the box. (And falsely claims PCs don't.) This substantially increases user effort and few will try.

All that I am suggesting is that Apple do this for the user instead of forcing its users to become technicians. This would instantly and enormously increase the number of applications that run on Macs. It would attract people that like Apple's style but have so much invested in Win software. It would make it vastly easier to migrate from PC to Mac. Apple would supply the best of both worlds. Something no PC manufacturer can offer.

Unfortunately, Apple from its inception has been very closed in its marketing. They support only a tiny fraction of hardware (disks, video cards, etc.) A hundred PC manufacturers exist, not counting the thousands of little shops that custom build PCs. Apple has made it near impossible for outside Apple manufacturers. There is no competition. They are slow to release development aids. The iPhone development environment still hasn't been released and when it is probably won't support iPhone 1. Users will be forced to buy a new iPhone to use new third-party software. I believe that this corporate culture has long held them back. Why else would a company with a vastly superior operating system and such cool looking machines trail PCs so dramatically in sales? But I have hope. Five years ago, Apple fans would have sworn that the world would end if Apple started using Intel chips. They made fun of both Intel and Windows. The mold has been broken and all Macs are now Intel. Progress is possible.

Article from yesterday: (Archive copy)
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