**My responses -
Hey Zen. I read your interview this morning.

. "
My Man!!!.
**I'm flattered that you are impressed.
I'm guessing our paths might have crossed in the seventys. I've been to Larry's home, A small single level little home in downtown Vegas. I remember that he looked like the now deceased movie actor Burgess Merridith, who played Rocky's trainer in the Rocky movies.
**Yes, Rexford Place down the street from White Cross Drugs. His daughter still lives there and still sells the circa'70s systems.
As A data analyst working for the City of LA, I had access to a huge IBM main frame. I worked with him doing simulations as he developed his advanced point count.
**Yeah? Maybe its your fault that the RAPC'73 doesn't outperform HO2! :laugh:
If my card counting abilities are still intact, you are about 50 years old now and worked with Larry about 32 years ago when you were a mere boy of 18?
**Yes, I was 19 actually when I first approached him - he never knew that I was underage.
We need a movie about your life, Zen. I'd cast George Clooney in the present and Leonardo De Caprio in your younger years.
**My ex-wife says "Sean Penn" is ideal "because he's a bad ass like you..." but I'm better looking than Sean. Title: "Once Upon a Time in the Airwaves"
I don't see much on the forum about bonus hunting. Have you gotten your fair share of that bounty yet? I start off my students on Bonus hunting. It gives them a starting bankroll for casino play and to pay me as well. A good bonus hunter has at least a 50% advantage.
**Naaw, I never pursued it... like video poker - I never was interested in either. After reading Bob Dancer's Million Dollar Video Poker, I wished I had done VP. zg