Beware of heat in Iowa


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty regular to stop at the Meskwaki Indian Casino in Iowa. In fact I've become pretty good friends with one of their dealers. She has no idea I'm a counter and I'd prefer to keep it this way. The game is 2 deck DOA DAS 60-75% pen No surrender h17.

She informed me last night that there had recently been a team caught in Prairie Meadows and another Iowa casino and those two casinos had taken it upon themselves to inform the others in the state about this team.

I normally play there with no heat. But last night the pit critter would not step away from my table. So I took it upon myself to leave after only 30 min of play.

Just a heads up to anyone who might be playing in the area sometime soon.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried playing at Riverside yet? Are the conditions you specified fairly common in at Meskwaki?


Well-Known Member
Generally the midwest is 6d varying penetration, dealer hits soft 17 DOA DAS Split 3, No surrender.

Table limits are generally as low as $5