People often talk about biased roulette wheels, but wouldn't biased dice be just as likely to find? Suppose hypothetically that a casino wants to cheat its customers at craps. Knowing that most people bet the pass line, if I were going to cheat people I would alter the dice to make the one more probable, resulting in more first throw losses. A slight change in the one, say changing the probability from 1/6 to 1/5 would give the house about a 4% advantage on the pass line and make the don't pass line profitable to the player.
Does anyone have any experience finding biased dice? I think about 50 throws would be necessary to determine a bias, do casinos change dice too frequently for you to do this?
Does anyone have any experience finding biased dice? I think about 50 throws would be necessary to determine a bias, do casinos change dice too frequently for you to do this?