BJ BASH survey

I would like to gauge the interest for the BASH for summer 2010. It is my intention to have the site or sites available from a major airport, to possibly employ a tour agency with a small tour bus to handle cut rate rooms and the driving from the airport from casino to casino. I think we will need 3 to 4 days, but could get by with a weekend gig.

I need your input as to a workable summer date, interest, if you are interested in taking wife, family along, what type of BJ games, recreation, do you want to see, can any of you double up in rooms that already know one another?

Any input is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Dates - anytime given enough warning. Longer than a weekend would be nice.

Wouldn't mind doubling up, but the gain from lower costs would need to be somewhat substantial. If it's anything like the last one there won't be much sleeping regardless.

Would like to see some DD added in with the usual 6D. It would also be fun if there was a good SD.


Well-Known Member
I'm mostly just looking for good shoe games -- still a red chipper here.

I'll be at a convention June 25-27. :cat: Everything else is good right now.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you back. With any luck I can make this one, depending on work schedule, etc. Just set dates and I'll get w/ you if I can make it.


Well-Known Member
We could possibly share room comps. It's possible to get comps at several different casino networks all at once.


Well-Known Member
Any time for me except: Week before Memorial Day, June 8, And the weekends of 6/12 and 8/14.

Would have no problem doubling up. Like DC said, probly won't be much sleeping anyways.

Might bring the wife if it works for her schedule.

Longer than a weekend or during the week shouldn't be a problem either.



Well-Known Member
summer? that sounds good!
ahhh it's good to be retired. :)
most any time or any where is good for me.
three or four days, yeah, or what ever.
it would be cool to get some hiking and canoeing in depending on the local.:rolleyes:
Y will come unless it's during her world of warcraft convention time, lol.
i've yet to see a bad game or local for any of the bash's so i'm not worried about that.:)


Well-Known Member
What kind of BJ games? Good ones!! lol! I trust you'll find us the good games to play like last time. I do prefer DD and SD. haven't quite gotten the ST down yet. Doubling up is fine, if you can double me up with a hot AP chick that would be fine too.


Well-Known Member
Tell you what, you supply a good game at the bash, and I will bring hot young women and excitement, deal? For all the married gents who can't partake, I'll just give ya something to talk about.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
I would like to gauge the interest for the BASH for summer 2010. It is my intention to have the site or sites available from a major airport, to possibly employ a tour agency with a small tour bus to handle cut rate rooms and the driving from the airport from casino to casino. I think we will need 3 to 4 days, but could get by with a weekend gig.

I need your input as to a workable summer date, interest, if you are interested in taking wife, family along, what type of BJ games, recreation, do you want to see, can any of you double up in rooms that already know one another?

Any input is appreciated.

CP, I'm interested in the second half of summer. Am very excited to see what dates y'all come up with. :joker:


Well-Known Member
MartyAce said:
Where we get together and beat up the blackjack kid who knows the least. Hence, BJ Bash.
kid??? hell, i'm sixty years old. :laugh:
hey, you young whipper snappers need to beat up on some body your own age.:joker:
bunch of smarty pants's :)
i'm young and easily confused.:p


Well-Known Member
Any time in June is good with me. I'd love to meet everyone and play some good BJ. So far I have been playing mostly shoes, so I guess 6D would be my preference. I may start trying to play some DD by summer though. I would be traveling alone and rooming alone. Hoping to be at the green chip level this summer, but more likely will still be using a $15-20 unit at that point.


Well-Known Member
Im not entirely sure about any dates that I will not be available, but given ample time, anytime between late May and August should be fine for me :)


Well-Known Member

Anytime for me except the 4th of july week, 4 days either side of the forth. I have a Lake of the Ozarks trip. Jet skiing , boating , sunbathing, fishing, aaaaahhhhhh cant wait...
10 days total at the lake....
Plenty of notice when and where will be needed, i think the wife will have to be in DC for something like a 2 month gig for the Air Force. I might have to babysit the critters in Ga.
I will have to find a babysitter to do my babysitting i guess :p:) cause i aint a missin a BASH... Whhhhhooooo hoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



Well-Known Member
Anytime during the summer is good (finishing up my last quarter at college so when that's done I will have a lot of free time)

How big of a bankroll stack would I need to bring if I were to partake? I would love to green chip it up, but I don't think I would be able to bring more than 4 or 5k with me :(