BJ Question??


Hello all, I'm relatively new to the BJ world, been playing for about a year. I've read numerous books and have practiced hours upon hours. Anyway i had 3 questions i wanted to ask and maybe get some sound advice.
1. How often do positive shoes come across? When playing say 6 deck shoes, is it common for you to play a positive (6 plus count/TC). Just curious as to can i expect this too happen once a night or once every 20 hours?? (Depending on what game, rules, pen, etc)??
2. Speaking of hot shoe, I'm sure its in a book or posted on here somewhere, but is their a link or rule of thumb as to how you adjust your basic strategy play with a high count?
3. This may be a personal question but i as recall in a book I've read, it talks about toking the dealer. It stated under no circumstance should you tip the dealer as this cuts into your profit? Is this the typical play of a card counter? Thanks for the great info posted on these boards:)


Well-Known Member
1. 25% of the time , that depends in rules you can check it exactly with a sim, ex cvcx
2. that depends in your strategy, in the book should be charts for that
3. depends on you , in most casino the toke or tip is for all flloor personal pit boss too, the idea is look like a regular ploopie , look wath others players do.
im new too hope this help


Well-Known Member
Answers and questions

slowride said:
Hello all, I'm relatively new to the BJ world, been playing for about a year. I've read numerous books and have practiced hours upon hours. Anyway i had 3 questions i wanted to ask and maybe get some sound advice.
1. How often do positive shoes come across? When playing say 6 deck shoes, is it common for you to play a positive (6 plus count/TC). Just curious as to can i expect this too happen once a night or once every 20 hours?? (Depending on what game, rules, pen, etc)??
2. Speaking of hot shoe, I'm sure its in a book or posted on here somewhere, but is their a link or rule of thumb as to how you adjust your basic strategy play with a high count?
3. This may be a personal question but i as recall in a book I've read, it talks about toking the dealer. It stated under no circumstance should you tip the dealer as this cuts into your profit? Is this the typical play of a card counter? Thanks for the great info posted on these boards:)
1. 25% may be about right, it varies in real life. In 6D shoes it is not common to get to a TC6 or higher.
2. There are playing index numbers that tell you when to vary from basic strategy. They depend on what count are you using?
3. YES, it cuts into your profit and is a negative expecation for you. NO, card counters are atypical but some of the best counters don't tip at all!
Tipping depends on the availability and number of games available to you. Not to mention possible personal preferences. A little tip occasionally can buy you some longevity. Many new counters do this WAY too much and end up losing all and then some of their profits. If you can get away with it, go with the authors' advice, DON'T TIP!

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that you can stretch your dining dollars by never tipping the waitress, as well. Why screw only one segment of the workforce?


Active Member
slowride said:
1. How often do positive shoes come across? When playing say 6 deck shoes, is it common for you to play a positive (6 plus count/TC). Just curious as to can i expect this too happen once a night or once every 20 hours?? (Depending on what game, rules, pen, etc)??
By Arnold Snyder from blackjackforumonline

If you are serious about the question, read the entire article and you will learn a lot. A small paragraph to spark your interest

"A player advantage of 2% over the house may occur 3 or more times per hundred hands, or only 3 times (or fewer!) per thousand hands, depending on the number of decks in play and how deeply into the deck(s) the game is dealt between reshuffles. The differences in advantage frequencies between a game with deep penetration and one with poor penetration make a HUGE difference to a card counter’s potential win rate. In fact, many blackjack games are not beatable with any practical card counting strategy. And in many beatable games, your edge over the house is so small that the inevitable bankroll fluctuations will spell doom for the player with limited funds"

slowride said:
2. Speaking of hot shoe, I'm sure its in a book or posted on here somewhere, but is their a link or rule of thumb as to how you adjust your basic strategy play with a high count?
These basic strategy variations are decisions based on your card value , the dealer's card value and the rules of the game combined with the true count. One very good example is late surrender at high true counts with 16 Vs 10 if you have the option available. Surrender usually is not so great but when betting big , it gives you a very good advantage. These true counts where you change the basic strategy and play accordingly are called indices. Again , indices are specific to a game and a counting system.

This is written by game master , as an example you can see these indices for 2 deck game for hi - lo. (Archive copy)

These are the indices for 6 deck game again to be used with hi - lo. (Archive copy)

I am not sure where but there is a index generator for a given system and a set of rules.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
daniel27 said:
1. 25% of the time , that depends in rules you can check it exactly with a sim, ex cvcx
2. that depends in your strategy, in the book should be charts for that
3. depends on you , in most casino the toke or tip is for all flloor personal pit boss too, the idea is look like a regular ploopie , look wath others players do.
im new too hope this help
This 25% number is way off. In a 6 deck game, a true count of +6 or more will only occur between 1 and 2 percent of all hands, depending on penetration. Thats 1 or two hands out of every 100 hands, which at a mostly filled 6 deck table would be would be 5 or six shoes. And chances are when the count gets that high you would encounter a number of hands in a row at that count which means the count may not get there again for seveal hundred more hands or 10-12 shoes or longer.


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
This 25% number is way off. In a 6 deck game, a true count of +6 or more will only occur between 1 and 2 percent of all hands, depending on penetration. Thats 1 or two hands out of every 100 hands, which at a mostly filled 6 deck table would be would be 5 or six shoes. And chances are when the count gets that high you would encounter a number of hands in a row at that count which means the count may not get there again for seveal hundred more hands or 10-12 shoes or longer.
I answer for positives , no for TC 6, in that way you are right.