BJ table is a snake pit, you'll get bitten


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
He's no fool, he knows BS! :)

you're right. and knowing BS is a lot more than 90% of the players i see at tables know!

there is this great sub $5 table i play and the plays there are really awe inspiring.
BJDave said:
You've GOT to be joking. First of all, it's a bad play for yourself. Secondly, it's a bad play for the table. There is no benefit in those moves and they violate the most basic, simple rules of playing blackjack. Hitting 12 vs. 3 is fine (that's basic stratgey) but splitting 10's or hitting 12 vs. 4, 5 or 6 is insane.
You are right, that is Basic Strategy. But I'm not playing Basic Strategy. Card counters modify some strategy decisions based on the count. Sometimes we stand on 12 vs. 2 or 12 vs. 3 too.

There is no play, basic, counter, or otherwise that has a net effect on other players at the table.


Automatic Monkey said:
You are right, that is Basic Strategy. But I'm not playing Basic Strategy. Card counters modify some strategy decisions based on the count. Sometimes we stand on 12 vs. 2 or 12 vs. 3 too.

There is no play, basic, counter, or otherwise that has a net effect on other players at the table.
Essentially true, I suppose. On the other side of the coin, one player CAN wreck a table if he/she is the only one who doesn't know BS and the rest are trying to play as a team. I've seen the tables' big mo' broken many times by such a person.

For all intents and purposes, I suppose Basic Strategy works best in team play or one-on-one. Overall, I prefer because it speeds up the pace. As someone who always sits at 3rd base, it gives me something to blame. ;)


Well-Known Member

BJDave said:
Essentially true, I suppose. On the other side of the coin, one player CAN wreck a table if he/she is the only one who doesn't know BS and the rest are trying to play as a team. I've seen the tables' big mo' broken many times by such a person.

For all intents and purposes, I suppose Basic Strategy works best in team play or one-on-one. Overall, I prefer because it speeds up the pace. As someone who always sits at 3rd base, it gives me something to blame. ;)
How does one player who does not know how to play wreck a table? If that is possible then he would help the table just as often, or are you saying the cards know what he is doing, the Sacred Flow has changed, and the blackjack gods are punishing all who sit with this person???

Basic Strategy is a losing game, so it loses more money in the same amount of time when you play one on one because you get more hands per hour.
Basic strategy has nothing to do with team play. Team play might be counting teams, hole card teams but 5 strangers on the same table, playing the same way are definately not a team unless they are spliting profits and loses.

So basically, I do not understand your whole post.



Well-Known Member
Doesn't anyone ever talk the ploppy talk? I've had times where I've been playing at third base, hit a 12, and the dealer draws to 21 and cleans the table:

Me: "I... I'm sorry guys"
Civilian: "Don't worry, you made the right play"
Me: "But can't you see? If I hadn't taken a card, the dealer would have busted!"
Civilian: <looks at me pityingly>

Or, me and two other players are sitting with a 16 vs. a dealer 10. We all stand (the count is slightly positive). Dealer draws to a pat hand because the next card out of the shoe happens to have been a 3. I groan "Oh man, if even one of us hit that hand, the table would have won!"

You know, it's true that playing that "coulda shoulda woulda" in your head will lead to madness. And I don't recommend it for real ploppies. However, when you can do it on autopilot without actually thinking, it's pretty fun.

One ploppy was complaining about the ploppy playing 3rd at how he costed the table money by playing the way he did. The ploppy at 3rd was very upset and the two got out of their chairs yelling at the top of their lungs within inches of each other.
Dude, you really need to stop hanging out in East County. :)


Well-Known Member
To be blunt

BJDave said:
Why thank you. And your post was so enlightening. :rolleyes:
Perhaps I am wrong, but I treat this forum as a forum for advantage play and those that want to learn advantage play.
Winning blackjack is the use of the math behind the game combined with the appearance of being a ploppy in the eyes of the casino.
The belief that the play of another player will hurt you more than help you is contrary to this math. The exception may be in a positive count where the foolish player is eating extra cards, but the net effect of this player is that he hurts only one person, himself.

People have selective memories. Blackjack players will remember that hand where the extra hit by someone or the lack of a hit by someone, resulted in the dealer getting a 5 or 6 card 21 and killing the table. While at the same time, each and every time that same guy did the same thing and the result was the table got paid, it is overlooked as something expected.
Using a basic strategy plays that annoy most players, I recently had a session where my doubling A,7 vs 4, my hitting A,7 vs 9, my splitting 9,9 vs 9 and my hitting 12 vs 3 all within about a 10 hand range, all won and a few of them were the mythical "save the table" hits. I got looks from other players each and every time but no one said anything when they got paid. Shortly later I hit 12 vs 3, I get a 10 and bust, dealer turns 13 and hits a 7 and some guy go nuts. He had no memory of the past, but only saw his loss to the dealer 20 as my wrecking the table by hitting my 12. By the way, on the next hand he got a blackjack, so I said to him, "your welcome". Went right over the idiots head but did crack up the dealer.

The cards are in no particular order. The times that a table changed and you believe it was caused by one players play, are equaled by the times that play has either had no effect or helped you. And what about the play 4 hands or 3 hands before, that appeared to have no effect, but by your thinking it did have an effect maybe 4 hands or more later.

If you want to be a winning blackjack player you must get the myths about other players and garbage like the flow of the cards out of your mind. Sure you will talk about it, but only so the casino thinks you are a gauranteed loser, but never believe it.

Finally, one of the best situations I have experienced many times in 30 years of advantage play is the fairly crowded table emptied by the so called worst player when the count is getting high. This kind of player can thin out the population at a table, leaving just you, him and a very high count.

Finally, blackjack is not a team sport.



ihate17 said:
If you want to be a winning blackjack player you must get the myths about other players and garbage like the flow of the cards out of your mind. Sure you will talk about it, but only so the casino thinks you are a gauranteed loser, but never believe it.
Where/how is a good place/way to learn "advantage play"? Apparently, I'm not as smart as I though I was by playing BS.


Well-Known Member
BJDave said:
Apparently, I'm not as smart as I though I was by playing BS.
You’re smarter than 99% of the people I’ve seen at the tables! :)

BJDave said:
Where/how is a good place/way to learn "advantage play"?
This website is a great place to learn about card counting. Just browse through the Card Counting forum, and be sure to check out the free resources:

This game can be very VERY beatable once you learn a few tricks.

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Well-Known Member
Mr. T said:
If someone says you have made a stupid play, sure you can just ignore him or defend yourself. But why put yourself in such a situation.
I just ignore them until the count tanks. Then I pick up my chips and leave in a huff as if I can't stand those goddam people any more.