blackjack and the potentiality of making money


New Member
My query is this: if I were to solely learn basic strategy, augemented by some highly rudimentary counting (or not even), would I be able to play blackjack at a casino and win money, not make money, just walk out with some small cash (100-500$) after playing?

Or, perhaps more to the point, how and what kind (tournaments or?) of blackjack are professional players playing where they are making thousands and tens of thousands of dollars?

I have not pursued the literature, yet. Neither have I extensively played blackjack. But, were I to pursue it, would it have the sort of small payoff that I am looking for? If so, making such an investment in it wouldn't seem so problematic to me as it does now.



Answer to your inquiry.

My query is this: if I were to solely learn basic strategy, augmented by some highly rudimentary counting (or not even), would I be able to play blackjack at a casino and win money, not make money, just walk out with some small cash (100-500$) after playing?
Yes, theoretically you could, but that’s now how card counting works. Card Counting works by betting larger amounts of money while the odds are in your favor. Usually those odds are as small as 1% to 2% in your favor. In other words to win “$100” you would have to be able invest hundreds more in order to take in account the fluctuations that WILL take place.

Or, perhaps more to the point, how and what kind (tournaments or?) of blackjack are professional players playing where they are making thousands and tens of thousands of dollars?
If you are looking to make “Tens of Thousands of Dollars” at card counting you must be willing to dedicate your life to playing hours and hours on end, along with finding beatable games throughout the land. But if you are more over looking to make a few thousand dollars maybe as much as twenty thousand over a year, you’re looking at playing at least once a week for about 6 hours with a starting bankroll of around $10,000.

I have not pursued the literature, yet. Neither have I extensively played blackjack. But, were I to pursue it, would it have the sort of small payoff that I am looking for? If so, making such an investment in it wouldn't seem so problematic to me as it does now.
Let’s finish it off this way. In order to start card counting at your average casino you’ll need at least a $3000 initial bankroll. Second, if you’re really interested in card counting buy a book. That new book called “Play Blackjack like the Pros” looks like an overall good starter book.


New Member
Am I to understand, then, that solely employing the strictest basic strategy will employ no gain in winnings; and that were I to play as such, it would be a nonsense move to play blackjack solely with basic strategy unless combined with a refined counting ability?

For a beginner, then, does it make more sense to play tournament blackjack and take chances there, as opposed to playing against the casino?



Active Member
Yes and No

Is it a good idea to play tourney blackjack for a beginner? yes, I'd say so. It allows real world practice with a relativly small entry fee and a shot at a big prize, but to play tourney BJ and be successful you need to learn strategy for that type of play, money managment, when to bet, what to bet, etc. So yes, I'd say it's a good idea, but it's not going to be easy, I'd say it actually would be harder to make money consistently at tournament Blackjack because it is so luck driven and short term, at least with counting you know the math will come out on top eventually.


New Member
Ok. I think the question I am really trying to ask but haven't been is this: is playing blackjack just with basic strategy, a waste of money?



Yes, with basic strategy in almost every blackjack game you'll ever play at a casino is a waste of money. Basic Strategy yields an average .4% advantage to the house.


Well-Known Member

Put another way....Using Basic Strategy alone is not a way to make money, but rather a way to loose less! I've been playing A LOT of table blackjack for the past 8 months using nothing but Basic Strategy. I'm so close to breaking even that it bears not the remotest encouragement for quitting my day job! But, I play for recreaction and not for a livelihood!

SoBu Mike

To answer the question here. No it's not a waste of money to play, but it all depends on how often you are talking. You can sit down with $200 dollars, play BS, and walk away with 2000. But if you're playing every day, it'll even out in the long run. In the past month, I have won 700 dollars 3 different times. I have lost 500 or more on 3 or 4 other occasions though. I honestly feel like I can come out a winner playing BS every time. Half the time I am right, half the time I am wrong. BUt even if you break even, some of the best entertainment I have ever gotten was at BJ tables. Play somewhere where free alcohol is served and it might be the most fun you ever had.




Oh the wild dreams I've had recently about making thousands at this game!!! :laugh: But just before my grandiosity gets the best of me I stand back, and reality sets in...I've played BJ for 33yrs. now (never been a card counter) and never held a grudge or felt resentful toward casinos. I have fun and enjoy being at casinos. (Excellent place to 'girl watch') :p :p ...In the past 10 months, I've finally learned and started playing strict Basic Strategy. In the years past I'd call my style of play "Hunch BS"...Now that I've 'seen the light' and go by the charts, I average a whopping $18.70 per casino visit!! Where else do you know, that will pay YOU, to be entertained? Blackjack is pure fun and enjoyment for me. One of my concerns about learning how to count (if I ever do) is that it will take all the fun and enjoyment out of the game for me... If I really ever get "Rich" gambling, it'll be playing one of those 'stupid slots', that I usually dump 20-30 bucks in per time. You never know....Can't win if ya don't play.... Well there's my 2 cents worth...Take care and be lucky... :cool2:


Well-Known Member

Since after 33 years you just recently learned BS, you might as well try making the next step, to card counting.

It's not easy at first. For me, many sessions at the casino ended with a headache from trying to keep the count. I was kept going by having read that counting would eventually become second nature. And it does!

Once you get proficient at it it will not take away the fun and enjoyment. You can still joke around with the other players, and the dealers.

What will happen though is that you'll find a whole new dimension to the game that you were previously unaware of.
The real key is knowing how much you want to make per visit and sticking to it. If you walk in with a bank roll of $300 or $400 and want to walk out with $100 or $200 per visit that is actually very easy. That is to make the $100 or $200. The hard part is actually walking out. 9 out of 10 times that I play I am up at least 1 or 2 hundred with in the first 10 or 20 minutes of play. My bank roll for that table might be either 1 or 2 hundred. The issue who wants to drive 35 minutes to a casino sit for another 10 to 20 minutes and then leave with only $100 or $200. When there is the potential to win more money. It's not a bad pay off for 90 minutes of time. If you round it up to 2 hours it's $50 to $100 per hour.

So the answer to your question is "yes" if you invest a little money in learn basic strategy you can win several hundred but you need to "stick to it". That is stick to what you want to win. If your bank roll is 1k then you might expect to win 3 to 4 hundred in a short amount of time playing 25 to 50 dollar hands. But like I said walk out and don't look back when your up.

I wouldn't go into tournament play as a beginner. The reason why is because you play a different way then you do during normal play. Your playing against the other players not the casino. Splitting tens and doubling on blackjacks is not uncommon. The basic rules of play generally go out the window. There is alot of strategy involved in the way you play your cards and the amount you bet per hand. You do this all according to what the other players do.


not very probable

Thanks Canceler. I know that you're probably correct....I'm to the point now where I can look around and talk, or whatever, and play good BS. And it could be that way someday in counting I'm sure if I would just apply myself and put forth some effort...But I have a very serious concern that's troubling me...To me it seems virtually an impossibility to play BS and count and at the same time watch the 'Babes' that walk by, especially the HOT ones. How could one seriously ever concentrate fully? Doesn't sound like much fun or very probable to me...Anybody got some feedback on this dilemma? :confused: