Shilling is doing something fraudulent, like bid rigging etc.. I'm sure you can explain quite well how that works ZG. I am simply letting people know what is was like to attend a seminar. Its up to the reader to go or not or to come up with a way to go for free.
Personally, I think most people ( Even seasoned AP's ) would get a lot out of going. There are even people on this board that have gone to see if they were up to a standard.
There was an article written in the NY Times about a team who attended and they are some bad ass players to start with.
I went to write a piece on what they had to offer hence why I did not pay to go, and yes I got a lot out of it. Met Jeff Haney as well. He is a good person to be in contact with
As for MAZ, he is a great player and dos not put up with BS. He like to rib people but, he has got the game to back up what he is spitting out.
Shilling no, explaining my thoughts yeah.