blackjack books


New Member
Im just starting to learn to count cards and am planning on purchasing Stanford Wongs Professional BlackJack and Reveres Playing Blackjack as a Business. Are these the books I should want to read first? Im using the high low count and plan on learning the ace side count. Are these the best books for this situation? Are there any good web sites too? (besides this one)


Well-Known Member
Good Blackjack Book

Playing Blackjack as a Business has a good Hi Lo section, but he is a little vague on the Ace side count. Another really good book is The World's Greatest Blackjack Book by Lance Humble.


Well-Known Member
yes, be sure to include arnold's book, blackbelt. I would consider that the best I've read. another good one for starters is fred renzy's "blackjack bluebook II".
I wish I could recommend a good book for complete hi/lo. I don't use it but I would be interested to hear from the hi/lo users. what is a good book with simple explanations and the most current and complete indices? nothing against wong's book, I refer to it now and then but I'm glad it wasn't the first bj book I read.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree Blackbelt in Blackjack is a great book, especially for begginers. Revere's book is great but seems outdated in this world of shoe games nowadays. Snyder's book also talks about alot of topics that alot of other books omit in their writings. Such as camo plays, team play, and how to determine if a game is profitable just to name a few. A must read in my opinion.


New Member
so i guess for hilo reading wong, revere and snyder would be the top 3.'s the best place to get 'em probably. Thanks for the advice everybody.
Another question i have is what books have the best bs charts. Charts that are dependent on a high or low count you know what i mean?
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