Blackjack Card Count Hoax


Well-Known Member
I have now gone back and analized your other video hand by hand. (The one were you substitute a joker for a queen) :) again using hi-lo with an identical betting scheme. 10 count results -25. Hi-lo +125. Of course this was only a 13 hand sampling and proves nothing, but for gods sake, if you are going to present evidence, make sure it supports your claim. Now there is a part 2 and part 3 to that series which I am not going to compare simply because it is too difficult to do. The cards are blurry and you dont call out the values and sometimes its hard to distinguish your bet amount. I have to go frame by frame and it's just not worth it. I think I've made my point. Would be nice to see you present some evidence that actually supports your claim that hi-lo doesn't work.
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Well-Known Member

20-1 spread is just asking for trouble so I don't really consider that to be realistic. I think though the key elemen that J-Stat is overlooking is that 10 cards are very important because the dealer busts more and you win more double downs with them being in abundance.
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zengrifter said:
Maybe this thread belongs in the ZZone rather than the Voodoo forum?
This changes everything! zg
'Blackjack Card Count Hoax" is an interesting essay and has escaped unscathed in this thread. Uncontested by the greatest blackjack minds.


Well-Known Member
If by uncontested you mean, proven wrong by sims that hi-lo does give the player an edge, then you're right.

You say show evidence!
Then when someone shows a sim, you say "oh that sim program is rigged"
what kind of evidence do you expect?


kewljason said:
I have now gone back and analized your other video hand by hand. (The one were you substitute a joker for a queen) :) again using hi-lo with an identical betting scheme. 10 count results -25. Hi-lo +125. Of course this was only a 13 hand sampling and proves nothing, but for gods sake, if you are going to present evidence, make sure it supports your claim. Now there is a part 2 and part 3 to that series which I am not going to compare simply because it is too difficult to do. The cards are blurry and you dont call out the values and sometimes its hard to distinguish your bet amount. I have to go frame by frame and it's just not worth it. I think I've made my point. Would be nice to see you present some evidence that actually supports your claim that hi-lo doesn't work.
No,no,no. Keep pumping hi-lo. As long as surveillance uses it for skills checks, it is all good. Betting big and winning on an even or a minus hi-lo count with more aces left, the eye will think "this guy can't be counting." Winning while fooling the casino is the goal.
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Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
No,no,no. Keep pumping hi-lo. As long as surveillance uses it for skills checks, it is all good. Betting big and winning on an even hi-lo counts with more aces left, the eye will think "this guy can't be counting." Winning while fooling the casino is the goal.
Are you amending your story as you go? I don't think anyone is arguing that the 10 count wouldn't work, especially with single and double deck games that it was designed for. I don't think anyone is arguing that the ace isn't very important. The argument also isn't whether there are better counts than hi-lo. The arguement is your statement that hi-lo is a hoax that doesn't work. You have offered nothing that supports that, while much evidence has been offered against your statement. But maybe you are right and everyone else wrong. Maybe the earth is flat! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
I'm not taking the low road at all. I am offering evidence as you asked for. Now concerning this second video, yes you have corrected the playing with a joker problem. Congrats on that.

However there are some other problems with the video. For example you paid your winnings out of your own money several times. At the end of the video you claim to have made a profit of $75, when in fact you made a profit of $275. (due to several winners winners that you paid out of your own money)

Now I went back over the video and played the hands with hi-lo, using as similar a betting scheme as I could, for comparision sake. 2 hands of $50 at neutral counts, 1 hand of $25 at negative counts and 2 hands of $100 at true count of +1. The results: hi-lo won $312.50!! The difference being on the 3rd and last hand of the second series before the bathroom break you wagered 1 hand of 1 unit because several aces had already been played. The true count (and running count) was 0 at that point so the hi-lo wager would have been the neutral $50. Since the hand was a BJ. Thats an additional $37.50 won for hi-lo. Thanks for the video. Most entertaining. :)

For those of you thinking that I have too much time on my are correct!! I am recovering from a collarbone break.
I hope your collarbone wasn't broken by security giving you the boot after you were made kj. :grin:


Apparently one or more of the moderators has a sense of humor, by dropping Jstat thread here in ZZone... I was joking, this thread belongs in Voodoo. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Apparently one or more of the moderators has a sense of humor, by dropping Jstat thread here in ZZone... I was joking, this thread belongs in Voodoo. zg
:laugh: You didn't leave out an opportunity to tell the moderators how they should do their job now you have to face the music!


zengrifter said:
Apparently one or more of the moderators has a sense of humor, by dropping Jstat thread here in ZZone... I was joking, this thread belongs in Voodoo. zg
Be careful of what you ask for, you might get it zg. It's an honor to be banished into the Zen Zone by the casino sponsored conspirators of the administration. Books that contain ace reckoned counts such as hi-lo must be sold on this site and speed bumps that get in the way moved here. The truth of "Blackjack Card Count Hoax" gets in the way of sales and future losers. Now the casinos will have more hi-lo players that they can ever ask for. While hi-lo is being pumped on the main board, more players will dump more money into the casinos for us to collect. A good thing for truth detectors who see the scam and prosper.


Well-Known Member

JSTAT said:
Be careful of what you ask for, you might get it zg. It's an honor to be banished into the Zen Zone by the casino sponsored conspirators of the administration. Books that contain ace reckoned counts such as hi-lo must be sold on this site and speed bumps that get in the way moved here. The truth of "Blackjack Card Count Hoax" gets in the way of sales and future losers. Now the casinos will have more hi-lo players that they can ever ask for. While hi-lo is being pumped on the main board, more players will dump more money into the casinos for us to collect. A good thing for truth detectors who see the scam and prosper. vewy, vewy quiet, JSTAT is hunting for badges again. :rolleyes:


JSTAT said:
Be careful of what you ask for, you might get it zg. It's an honor to be banished into the Zen Zone by the casino sponsored conspirators of the administration. Books that contain ace reckoned counts such as hi-lo must be sold on this site and speed bumps that get in the way moved here. The truth of "Blackjack Card Count Hoax" gets in the way of sales and future losers. Now the casinos will have more hi-lo players that they can ever ask for. While hi-lo is being pumped on the main board, more players will dump more money into the casinos for us to collect. A good thing for truth detectors who see the scam and prosper.
Where are the jackbooted post busters when I need them? zg


Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
Be careful of what you ask for, you might get it zg. It's an honor to be banished into the Zen Zone by the casino sponsored conspirators of the administration. Books that contain ace reckoned counts such as hi-lo must be sold on this site and speed bumps that get in the way moved here. The truth of "Blackjack Card Count Hoax" gets in the way of sales and future losers. Now the casinos will have more hi-lo players that they can ever ask for. While hi-lo is being pumped on the main board, more players will dump more money into the casinos for us to collect. A good thing for truth detectors who see the scam and prosper.
You still haven't debunked the simulators. What's wrong with Casino Verite software? Or is all of the CV software a hoax also? Qfit we want refunds! :laugh:

But I suppose it is easier to respond only to people personally attacking you rather than respond to actual evidence :grin:


Unshake said:
You still haven't debunked the simulators. What's wrong with Casino Verite software? Or is all of the CV software a hoax also? Qfit we want refunds! :laugh:

But I suppose it is easier to respond only to people personally attacking you rather than respond to actual evidence :grin:
QFIT is conspiring with the casinos... JSTAT is channeling Doug Grant's ghost.
Hello, can we get a jackbooted poster here please? zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
QFIT is conspiring with the casinos... JSTAT is channeling Doug Grant's ghost.
Hello, can we get a jackbooted poster here please? zg
I wonder if the Illuminati are behind this? :laugh:
-jackbooted poster... wait.. I detect a long JSTAT reply!
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zengrifter said:
QFIT is conspiring with the casinos... JSTAT is channeling Doug Grant's ghost.
Hello, can we get a jackbooted poster here please? zg
I never claimed that QFIT was conspiring with casinos. I need to review QFIT'S software before I made claims about him " working with casinos." OFIT has condemned Stanford Wong and others for consulting with casinos. Sounds like a fine fellow and most likely we can get along.

I am not Doug Grant. Never aspired to be him. I am my own free soul. Now you want to boot me off your conspiracy page for posting truth that is backed up with facts? You can discuss if Jesus Christ is God and condemn him, that's within the boundries of the Zen Zone, right zg? Why do you want to crucify me? For spreading the light?
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