blackjack counting pro


seems like you would still have to pay a lot of attention... half the time you can just cancel out groups of high and low cards on the table and you barely have to add/subtract...


Well-Known Member

Now, someone correct me if I'm wrong here. But once you introduce any sort of device at the table, are you not in violation of the law?


Not looking good...

*Sniff* *Sniff* this almost smells like an advertisement.

But seriously…

Myself personally, when learning how to card count I’ve found the toughest part is to learn basic strategy, no so much counting, which this device does little to do to help with that. But more importantly when, not if, you get caught you will help in a trail with your peers as the jury. Now, your peers will be people from the community where the casino that you were trying to cheat is located. Most communities, especially Indians, thrive off the revenue that the casino brings in, and I doubt they will be nice or understanding when sentencing comes along. 5 years in prison isn’t worth something that takes maybe two weeks to learn to do…



How are they going to find out ?
plus, counting the cards doesnt mean win for sure.
I am not doing an advertisement... I posted to see maybe if anyone has used it and how was it.
there are ways to use a normal watch to count or even use chips to count so seriously they wont put me in the prison. However, I do think people who do not know how to play the game by the book and play in the casino should be in the prison.


Most Devices Are Illegal

If you ever watch the History Channel and Breaking Vegas, I’m sure you’ve seen the story on the Tommy Hyland card counting team. Well, the girl with the braids that was arrested wasn’t actually arrested for card counting she was arrested for tracking aces by counting them using the beads on her braids. I know Canada, and the state I live in Michigan, along with Las Vegas, all have laws on the books against using any device besides your mind to count cards. You might not get into any trouble if you only use something like your chips or a wristwatch but when you start to bring computers or computing devices into the mix you’re getting yourself into a whole new ballpark… It’s just not worth it.



i agree but for casino to do something about it, a player must win a lot. otherwise, they dont care.
I was just asking to see if anyone bought the blackjack pro. I am afraid its cheap made. that's all.
btw do u think can team work still beat today's blackjack?



fair enough, still i wouldnt use anything especially a computing device. The power of computers puts fear in the eyes of casinos, and rightfully so. With an overall understanding of cardcounting along with a ton of practice, practice, and more practice, your mind and some good camo can out-do, out last, win more and most importantly keep you out of jail and playing more than a hidden computer device at the tables...

and i saw your post about team on the other thread and im getting to it... ive got some good stuff/ideas for ya!!!
(Warning: total n00b post.)

If you really want to use a card-counting device, I'd think it'd be best used at an online casino; it's not like they can spy on you through your webcam. Of course, that assumes they're actually correctly simulating the exhaustion of the deck and not shuffling after each hand or something. Has anyone seen success pairing some card-tracking device or program with an online casino?


Online casinos don't simulate real tables... thats where people are misled... the rules for the player are real, but the rules shuffling and maintaining a shoe are not.... they just shuffle the shoe every hand or every few hands to prevent the card counting you just suggested.


Active Member
sunnydzt said:
i agree but for casino to do something about it, a player must win a lot. otherwise, they dont care.
I was just asking to see if anyone bought the blackjack pro. I am afraid its cheap made. that's all.
btw do u think can team work still beat today's blackjack?
I think we're forgetting one key thing in this argument.....

did you see the price on that thing? It's over a hundred freaking bucks! I also don't think it's any coincidence that you haven't found anyone on these boards who has used one yet. It's expensive, and if you have the speed and the mindset to punch in +1 and -1 into a device, it's actually probably much easier to just input +1 and -1 into your head.

Anyways, as far as your question about teamwork, absolutly, it's always been an effective way to AP and it always will, if you're interested in team play, there's a great book, which also has alot of other subjects called "blackbelt in blackjack" by arnold snyder, definitly worth a look for someone looking to get into the world of advantage play.


Well-Known Member
wants2win said:
It works ! Trust me :)
I am absolutely sure that it WORKS....the real question is...How difficult would it be to actually use this thing (in a real casino making real money) without getting caught and doing time in the "pokey" :eek:

I have way to much to lose (read: freedom) to spend even 10 bucks to find out.


New Member
The brain is a powerful tool.
Better just stick to counting where it can't be seen (under your hair, assumng you have hair)