BlackJack eXtreme Game Tonight 2/23


Active Member
BJX Vaporware starting to gel, come play.

This is an open invitation to all on the site to get an early look at the flash software version of BlackJack eXtreme. Until we get a few known issues solved we are playing the game at 6 seat sit-and-go tournament tables by appointment. Just email and I'll arrange a game.

I'll announce games on this site or send me your email address to receive notices when a game is scheduled which you like to join. RSVP suggested. PS once you get to know your way around the site you're free to play or set up games any time.

Come play the game UBT thought they were.


Active Member
I'll have a table open tonight at 8PM CST for any who want to play. It's a 6 seat table. RSVP to
- I'll send a direct link with instructions to join the table. In the meantime visit the website for a video, rules and a game chart.


Active Member
No action yet.

Nobody showed, but it was short notice. I think we're working out some of the most vexing bugs, which allow us to open it up for all to play. Anyone can play now by going to the webiste (Dead link: - sign in by putting any temporary screenname in the "email" box.

I think it's intuitive enough that most online players will get the drift pretty quick. Two things that at this moment are not happening are: the dealer needs to hit a soft hand until it reaches at least 17 - at which point the dealer can stay or continue hitting. The program will autohit the dealer to 17 (or higher) with a hard hand. We will have that fixed so that newbys don't stand on soft 15 as the dealer. And the minimum raise is in increments of the minimum blind - the rule is the minimum raise should be equal to the blind. This is not a big problem so we won't hold up going live just for that.

Feel free to email any time to play a game. It works heads up, or maybe we can find a few more to join in for maximum challenge.

Are you on our invitation list? I'm building one for Day, Night and Anytime. Email and say which list you'd like to be on. I'll send out invites when a game is forming.


Active Member
I'm on the site now, come play

Come on over and give it a try. (Dead link: put your handle in the email box and logon. We can chat there.


Well-Known Member
playBJX said:
Come on over and give it a try. (Dead link: put your handle in the email box and logon. We can chat there.
I'll be back david. You got


Active Member
they call me Mr Lucky

Thanks for the game. I'll hang on the site for any others who might stop by. You'll find the fuller tables a different game.


Active Member
Bug buster

I just emailed our programmer with the two notes about not having the stay option with paired ten value cards. Also, it should auto hit dealer hand until it reaches 17 or higher. It doesn't do this on a soft dealer hand yet.

There is another rule which will be functional in the future. When playing "heads up" like we were, the dealer should be able to hit any hand - not being forced to stay on a losing hard hand.

I look forward to a rematch.


Well-Known Member
playBJX said:
I just emailed our programmer with the two notes about not having the stay option with paired ten value cards. Also, it should auto hit dealer hand until it reaches 17 or higher. It doesn't do this on a soft dealer hand yet.

There is another rule which will be functional in the future. When playing "heads up" like we were, the dealer should be able to hit any hand - not being forced to stay on a losing hard hand.

I look forward to a rematch.
Also, maybe it was just me, but I only heard the shuffle once.
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Active Member
I'll check on that too.

jack said:
Also, maybe it was just me, but I only heard the shuffle once.
I didn't hear the shuffle at all. But it takes a while to go through 78 cards, especially since we both were playing tight.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
I've logged on twice,been seated at a table and then nothing. Am I doing something wrong?

Same here. I try typing "Knock Knock" but nobody answers.

David if your listening is it possible to list times of shceduled games.tx

Plus is it possible to watch a game in progress. This is a great feature.


Active Member
Schedule Games coming

I apologize for not noticing you were on the site in time. If you see my name just wait in the lobby until more arrive. There is a chat box which is below the lobby and table screens. F11 on windows goes to full screen mode and you can see it, or scroll down. This is a design issue we are correcting this week. You can also zoom the screen in IE7 to 85% or go to bjxplayer3.html for a version which shows the chat. I usually prefer full screen on my laptop.

We will be setting up a regular time for games to form, and putting it on this forum. In the meantime we need to make an appointment to meet for a game at a specific time. Email me with the time and day you'd like to meet, and I'll RSVP.

We are working on the TV show and sometimes are on the road scouting locations so may not always have highspeed access.

Thanks for your patience. Building a game site from scratch is more complicated than we thought and would be quicker if we had more scratch.