BlackJack eXtreme now playing on Facebook


Active Member
As a struggling startup seeking stimulus support we have finally made the leap into the bigger game pond with a Facebook app.

It's the famliliar six player poker table we use on the demo site, but it's a "ring game" so players can come and go. Currently using 2 decks with the shuffle coming at the 3/4 penetration (or if a connection glitch causes the game to reset), the shuffle is clearly announced.

There are three reasons why I urge everryone on this site to play our game at least for an hour (it takes that long to get hooked).

1. It holds a lot of new problems for the analytical minds here, and should generate some interesting arguments (screw the discussions). The chips are free and will top off to 2000 in the lobby if you fall below 200. The best players are always looking for games at the higher limit tables, so try it out there.

2. As BJX starts to be played for real money online and at casinos, you may find it a more financially rewarding application of your skills than standard blackjack. At least it could compliment your career success in the blackjack arena.

3. The game move pretty fast now, and will be "turbo-charged" later. It is a terrific way to keep your counting skills honed. Every card played is revealed by the end of the hand, so whatever system you use will be given the fullest workout.

Here's the shortcut to the game: If after a fair trial period, you find the open structure annoying, then thanks for playing. I know it's not for everyone, but I do encourage everyone to try it out. We have over 10,000 players and some are real addicts.

If you don't have a facebook account you can open one easily providing only minimal info and create an email address just for that. Facebook won't harrass you, they're not that organized. Besides everyone is doing it.


Well-Known Member
Got blackjack 2/3 hands...and could only win the blinds because i do not want to take another card....should have just made a straight blackjack game....


Active Member
Xur said:
Got blackjack 2/3 hands...and could only win the blinds because i do not want to take another card....should have just made a straight blackjack game....
Did you only play 3 hands? The whole point of BJX is that the most profitable hands are the ones that can be improved. If the deck was rich in tens, you can raise a blackjack (as an 11) and instead of winning 150 on a 100 blind, you can go for thousands (many players do). Of course you don't want to scare the dealer into folding so you need to play the person not just the hand.

Knowing the count will help you determine the value of the bet. So if you catch a bj right after the shuffle, you have about a 1 in 3 chance of catching a 10. Your blackjack is once again a 21, but unless the dealer gets to 21, it can pay you much, much more than 3:2. Also, if you catch a rag, you can hit again or hold and wait to see if the dealer busts.

Come play for a longer time at the higher limit tables. I'll bet you get hooked on the action. If not, well, I appreciate you're giving our game a chance.

Good luck,