BlackJack Newbie 4 Advice


New Member
Hey guys. I have a lot of respect for your stories and the feedback I've received so far from cruising the forums. I've just started playing black jack here at home with real cards and on my iphone.

DON'T LAUGH... Next week, work is sending me to Vegas for a week. I'll probably search for some low minimum tables even though I'll be staying on the strip. One of the things I was considering doing right now to prepare myself is to memorize the basic strategy as I saw it on Wikipedia. I could even write a fast quizzing program for myself and that way I'd have the whole thing memorized pretty fast. Do you guys think I'd have a decent chance at winning with just the basic strategy?

Also, is there any recommended reading on the game? I'm about half way through The World's Greatest Blackjack Book. It sure is an interesting read, but seems kind of outdated.

Thanks for your feedback.


Well-Known Member
phizz said:
Hey guys. I have a lot of respect for your stories and the feedback I've received so far from cruising the forums. I've just started playing black jack here at home with real cards and on my iphone.

DON'T LAUGH... Next week, work is sending me to Vegas for a week. I'll probably search for some low minimum tables even though I'll be staying on the strip. One of the things I was considering doing right now to prepare myself is to memorize the basic strategy as I saw it on Wikipedia. I could even write a fast quizzing program for myself and that way I'd have the whole thing memorized pretty fast. Do you guys think I'd have a decent chance at winning with just the basic strategy?

Also, is there any recommended reading on the game? I'm about half way through The World's Greatest Blackjack Book. It sure is an interesting read, but seems kind of outdated.

Thanks for your feedback.
It is the only book you need. And you only need to read chapter 7 & 8. (Page 194 - 277.) Since this is your first trip, you probably want to use Basic Strategy to make the game play decision. But you have to use true count to bet the units required to win. Chapter 7 & 8 have all the details about Hi Opt I card counting system. The last few pages have Ace side count. But you should do the Ace side count only after three years you master the ten's count, so skip the part. Basically you just count tens against 3,4,5,6. When the number of tens in the remaining deck is high, you increase your bet. The next step is to make the play decision based on the true count and indexes of many tables in chapter 7 and 8. But you probably needs a few months to memorize all the indexes. So right now your short term goal is to play Basic Strategy perfectly and calculate the true count as accurate as possible and use the true count to bet accordingly. Just remember, you have the edge only when true count is +1 or above. So you always bet one unit when true count is negative or zero. (You lose money waiting in hope to the pay-off moment comes.) And you bet multiple units when true count is above +1.

Some tips to memorize BS:

1. If dealer up card is 7 or above, you need to get to 17 also. Don't be afraid of hit.
2. If dealer up card is 6 or below, you stay and let him bust (only exception is that you have 12 and dealer has 2 or 3.)
3. Proper split and double down before rule 1 and 2.
4. Try to improve soft 17 always and soft 18 in some cases.

Good luck for your coming trip.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with bringing a basic strategy card to the table with you. Use one if you are not 100% certain of the move.
Using just BS, I'd guesstimate you have about a 40% chance of breaking even or better in the short run-aka a few days in Vegas.
In your shoes, I'd simply flat bet and put my faith in the Goddess of Blackjack. See if you enjoy the game for its own sake. If you do, then you can become a serious student for future trips.


Well-Known Member
One of the most important things to remember during your trip to Vegas: If you encounter a table where a blackjack pays 6 to 5; RUN!


Well-Known Member
Playing BS, you are at a very small disadvantage but it is a disadvantage. Sit out some hands, take some breaks, enjoy a few adult beverages and don't go crazy tipping either the waitress or the dealers. If you get lucky and go up a good bit, remember it's luck, not skill. Have fun and don't worry about anything anyone else does at the table.


New Member
Wow. You guys have given me some extremely valuable advice. I plan to follow everything that you say.

Don't worry about me. I plan to bring some cash and play low minimum bets. I don't care how much I lose by the end of the week because I'm looking for game time + experience.

In reference to your explanation of basic strategy's inverse relationship, I'll set a limit in my own mind which will be a percentage rather than a total dollar amount. For example, if I lose 20% or more $, that will be the cutoff for that table regardless of how much I won thus far.

I'm not quite at the counting level yet, still memorizing basic right now. I want that to be second nature before messing with counts.

Additionally, I'll keep you guys up to date. Fortunately I'll bring my laptop along so I'll have internet access! :)


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
See if you enjoy the game for its own sake. If you do, then you can become a serious student for future trips.
ironically, i didn't even enjoy the game when i was a casual (and inaccurate) low-stakes counter. i had to become a serious ap to enjoy the game


New Member
With only one week between now and then, its a little late in the game for me to get serious right now. Fortunately I get to Vegas every year about the same time though.


Well-Known Member
If you have not sat at a table as of yet, it can be intimidating for the first time. Everyone looks like an expert when you are getting up your courage to sit down. Once you do start to play some, you will notice very few players really know basic strategy 100 %. I would recommend for your first time to not sit in the last seat or "3rd base". While it is unfounded, 3rd base can take heat from inexperienced "hunch" players. Above all else, Have fun.


New Member
After reviewing:

Some of the advice for it slightly goes against the general strategy that I've memorized from wikipeida's Blackjack chart. For example, the dealer with a 10 out and I with 17, it advises to hit in this case. We assume that the card face down is a 10 even this high? The Wiki chart says otherwise.

I'm just trying to completely memorize the basic strategy with Surrender disabled.

...later after post and I just took a hit to see what happens.

Ohh now I know why. It was because I had: 5,A,A (17), hit once and get a 9 but now the ace treated as 11 gets bumped down to a 1 value, for a total of 16. Confusing hand, sorry.
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New Member
Be prepared to receive **** from unknowledgeable players when basic strategy requires you to hit your A,7 against 9 and 10. Or whenever you split 9's vs 8 and 9. They will claim you've just "messed up the flow of the cards" or whatever nonsense jargon.

May be a better idea to stay away from 3rd base so the other players don't blame you for "taking dealer's bust card"