Blackjack pays 2:1 at Soboba


Well-Known Member
Soboba Casino in San Jacinto CA has a promotion going on right now. Any blackjack pays 2:1 on Wednesdays between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. The flier didn't say how long this would last.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Whats the max bet for 2-1 pay? zg
The max is $50, but you can spread to 2 hands of $50 (or 3 hands of $50 at the $10 table) to get around that. You can't alternate between 1 and 2 hands at the DD game, but with 65% pen nDAS and D1011 you probably wouldn't be at that table anyway. You can alternate single/multiple hands at the 6D game which has S17 DAS LS 75%.

It's not often that us red-chippers can get a $100/hr EV so you've got to jump on it when you can! :gaga:



Well-Known Member
How would they handle it if your bet was more than $50? What if you bet $60? How would they pay that? Would it be 2:1 on the $50 and 3:2 on the remaining $10 for a total payoff of $115? Or would a bet higher that $50 just pay 3:2?

Sonny said:
The max is $50, but you can spread to 2 hands of $50 (or 3 hands of $50 at the $10 table) to get around that. You can't alternate between 1 and 2 hands at the DD game, but with 65% pen nDAS and D1011 you probably wouldn't be at that table anyway. You can alternate single/multiple hands at the 6D game which has S17 DAS LS 75%.

It's not often that us red-chippers can get a $100/hr EV so you've got to jump on it when you can! :gaga:



Well-Known Member
jimbiggs said:
What if you bet $60? How would they pay that? Would it be 2:1 on the $50 and 3:2 on the remaining $10 for a total payoff of $115?
Yes, they would pay 2:1 on the first $50 then 3:2 on anything above that. That is why it is important to play two hands if you want to bet more than $50.
