ExhibitCAA said:
Anyway, to kasi and newb99: there is nothing wrong with someone coming in and saying, "Blackjack is more fun for me if I vary my bets according to some scheme, and I don't mind occasionally getting destroyed if it means I can go home winning a dollar on most visits." But that's NOT the thrust of this guy's post. He cites a WIN RATE (!) and then says: "100 sessions seems to be an adequate test run"!!!!!! "Test run" for WHAT??
Well, he does say "I know these systems are not soppose to work long term" indicating his awareness of of the fact it will not win forever.
All he really does is cite his results for 100 sessions and wonder what, in effect, the standard error for his system might be over that period of time for his system.
Can you answer his question of his chances of having these results over 100 sessions?
Is it to be completely expected this would happen or highly unusual? Would you tell an AP guy who claimed the same thing after being ahead for that long?
Would you be as able to read into his mind and determine his self-opinion of the quality of his play? What's that about anyway?
Of course lots of questions would need to be answered to be more "scientific"
about it lol.
Does not an AP player also ask himself, as you say, "Blackjack is more fun for me if I vary my bets according to some scheme, and I don't mind occasionally getting destroyed if it means I can go home winning a dollar on most visits."?
All I'm saying is, even voodoo systems have their own avg bet/rd, SD/rd and chances of achieving a goal in a given period of time. Not that I ever have a clue what those answers might be. Especially in BJ with uneven pay-offs.
But I'm just never surprised about how long such "systems" (that don't really fit my definition of a "system" anway lol) may last.
I can't answer it either lol. But I'd like to lol.
But, still, hey, its voodoo where anything goes I guess.
Ideally without the pejorative adjectives lol.