garygo said:
Obviously it is easy to delete someone's posts and lable him / her as "troll", when you find it very difficult, if not impossible, to prevail in the specific debate.
Personally I think this only shows weakness, not strength.
I recommend you check carefully how many members here have done the personal attack and who did it first. Too much to ask?
All I ask for is you post some logs of actual play lol.
Does BODOG not easily supply logs of actual play?
If you feel that I have somehow personally attacked you, please accept my apologies.
Basically, with the end-idea being you just might, who knows, learn a little about how to measure your "luck", be it "good" or "bad".
Who knows - such logs may actually prove your hypothesis. I have an open mind on the subject but, yes, experience tells me it's a very unlikely possibility.
Maybe just me but, if one makes an accusation as serious as "cheating", I pretty much must demand evidence lol. If you just want to just rant and rave about your "bad luck", that's fine with me.
One thing to accept "bad luck" but without accusations of "cheating".
Use the word "cheating" and you can pretty expect to be slammed to Honolulu and back without some concrete evidence.
At least by me anyway.
You got logs or you don't.
Which is it?
Don't you actually want to know whether you were merely reasonably "unlucky", and sh*t happens, vs it's a "cheating" casino"?
I don't mean anything against you. Trust me, I know all too well how emotionally painful a mere -2SD event is. That's about when my "emotional brain" tells me they must be "cheating". Until I go back and figure out there really was nothing unusual about it after all.
Try experiencing -3.8 SD or so over 8000 rounds. Trust me, you'll wish you had never been born. You will think a dull butterknife to both wrists after gouging out one eye would be preferable by far.
Yet, as much as I wanted to, I could never bring myself to accuse the casino of "cheating" because sh*t happens. Being down -3.8 SD's did not meet my personal threhold as sufficient evidence of casino cheating.
But you can your sweet ass I was keeping an actual log of all 8000 rounds along the way just so I could maybe prove a -SD event worthy of consideration.
I did, though, allow myself to drown in self-pity for counting myself amongst the very few, the most sorriest, the most unluclikest losers on planet earth who have ever played 8000 rounds.
I bitched to anyone would listen just how unlucky I was and issued "be careful" warnings to my internet-playing disciples who were only playing in the first place because I told them it was a "good" thing. I asked them to provide me with logs of their actual play so I could combine them with mine so I could figure out what the heck might be happening to my satisfaction.
Go figure, 40000 or so rounds later, as it actually happened to happen, results completely normal.
Apparently, the casino I suspected of possibly "cheating" me for 8000 rounds tiuns out were "cheating" themselves over the next 32000 rounds lol.
I had casinos that seemed to deal, say, an "Ace" up like every hand it seemed. And, yeah, they had actually deat an "ACE" up alot more than expected over the previous hands I had logs for. Not so much more it was way outside the "sh*t happens" criterion. But, out there on the curve, nonetheless. 1000 rds later, "dealer ACES up" is completely normal.
See what I mean?