Bodog makes odds on stupidity


Betting on Stupidity Pays: Puts Odds
on the World Stupidity Awards


As the close of voting nears, The World Stupidity Awards, where public figures compete to see who is the dumbest, has added a new twist. Now you can put money on who you think will be voted the top dumbos: The leading digital entertainment company,, is now making odds on the outcome of such eagerly awaited categories as the 2006 World Stupidity Award for "Reckless Endangerment of the Planet."

New York, NY (PRWEB) September 19, 2006 -- As the close of voting nears, The World Stupidity Awards, where public figures compete to see who is the dumbest, has added a new twist. Now you can put money on who you think will be voted the top dumbos: The leading digital entertainment company,, is now making odds on the outcome of such eagerly awaited categories as the 2006 World Stupidity Award for "Reckless Endangerment of the Planet."

“We think betting on stupidity is a rock solid proposition,” said World Stupidity Awards SpokesMoron Albert Nerenberg. “The only thing in this world you can be 100 per cent sure of, is that there will be more stupidity.”

Calvin Ayre,’s founder said, "Over the last few years, the popularity of entertainment and pop culture betting has exploded. With its international fan base, stands alone as the leader in the entertainment industry, offering the world a wide variety of innovative and creative entertainment wagers. The satirical and fun nature of these particular awards embodies the lifestyle and fits perfectly within the scope of our entertainment offerings.”

The World Stupidity Awards, unlike the Darwin Awards, salutes achievement by living people in the fields of stupidity and ignorance. This year, has included several new categories for the World Stupidity Awards. The winners of the awards will be announced September 20th. Curious about the odds? See: (Dead link:

In the popular category of Dumbest Moment of the Year, Zinedine Zidane’s disastrous head-butt in the final minutes of the World Cup Final is competing against Vice President Dick Cheney shooting his friend in the face; pop-star Britney Spears speeding with her baby’s head against the steering wheel; Danish newspaper publishing Mohammed cartoons; as well as protestors violently demonstrating against Mohammed cartoons.

Although Nerenberg said the academy, which runs the Awards, was honored to see people betting on the outcome. “Remember the World Stupidity Awards are managed by recognized experts in the field,” said Nerenberg. “We are certified to be a bunch of complete idiots.”

The World Stupidity Awards, which are in their 4th year, are organized by the Academy Recognizing Stupidity Everywhere (ARSE). Spokesmorons for the World Stupidity Awards are standing by. Call 416-926-8886

The exclusive sponsor of the 4th Annual World Stupidity Awards is The Disinformation Company ((Dead link:, a New York-based entertainment company active in TV production, book publishing and home entertainment. It is most widely recognized for its distribution of products on subjects not usually covered by the traditional media. Recent DVD exclusives from The Disinformation Company include the three best-selling Robert Greenwald documentaries 'Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price,' 'Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism,' 'Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War,' and 'Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers,' as well as Greg Palast’s 'Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.'


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Contact Information
Albert Nerenberg
Main Organization
(Dead link: http://www.stupidityawards).


4th Annual World Stupidity Awards Announced


World Stupidity Moments Revealed
4th Annual World Stupidity Awards Announced

US President Bush wins Award for Being "Most Out of touch with Reality"

Middle East takes Lifetime Achievement Award for Stupidity


The 4th Annual World Stupidity Awards have revealed this year’s global champions of stupidity and ignorance, as decided by a worldwide Internet vote.

An American judge who presided over several murder trials while attached to a throbbing penis pump was voted Stupidest Man of the Year - edging out US Vice President Dick Cheney and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (neither men are not known to use the device while working).

"I think this sends a clear warning to all the other penis pumping judges, airline pilots and heart surgeons," said World Stupidity Awards SpokesMoron Robert Spence, "turn off that penis pump now!"

Although some are already calling this a humiliating defeat for Cheney, the Vice President took the award for having created the Stupidest Moment of the Year when he shot his friend in the face during a hunting trip instead of a bird.
