Bogota, Colombia


New Member
I hope someone find this helpfull:

Casino Caribe: Is located inside a shooping mall on the north of the city (Unicentro).
Rules: 6 Decks. Penetration 66-80%. H17. Double Any 2. Double after split. Double on split aces. 1 card on split aces. EARLY SURRENDER:). Again: EARLY SURRENDER.:) . No hole card.
And a rule i´d call in between european and australian for no hole card: If you take full insurance, You´ll only lose your original wager in case you double or split and lose against a dealer BJ (and of course, you also win the insurance), if you didn´t take insurance for maximun possible, you lose your split and doubles against a BJ. And You´ll only lose your original wager against a dealer BJ when the first dealer card is a 10.
Maximun spread is 1x-20x. You can ask for a high limits private table

Casino unigames:Is In the same mall where Casino caribe is, they´re promoting the new table games, so they offer THE SAME RULES OF CASINO CARIBE plus from 1pm to 10 pm they offer (for limited time): Suited BJ pays 2 to 1. 6-7-8 and 7-7-7 beats dealer BJ and pays also 2 to 1. You may re-split aces and double on resplit aces. Betting spreads 1x-20x and low limits.(No VIP, no HIgh Rollers)
(I personally think the rules in these 2 casinos are great )

Rio Casino, Hollywood Casino, Broadway casino, Rock and Jazz casino (all of them are managed by the same company):
6 Decks, CSM "one2six" type, S17, Early surrender excpet vs dealer A, No hole card, european style (lose splits and doubles against a dealer BJ)
Betting spread 1x-50x. You can ask for a high limits table in Rio and Rock and jazz, but i think with the same rules. I think the S17 don´t copmpensate the other rules. I sneaked in the VIP room in RIO and only saw people playing at the baccarat table.The BJ table was covered, so i didn´t get a chance of knowing how the rules were. On the Rock and jazz casino is a table of doble exposure BJ, but with crappy rules.
I have not seen SD or DD in the casinos i´ve been in bogota.
Again, hope this is helpful to anyone.


Well-Known Member
That is NOT (classic) Early Surrender in Colombia !

It is what we call "ES10"

You only get to "early" surrender when the dealer shows a TEN and NOT when the dealer shows an ACE.

This watered down version of E.S. is not worth all that much to a basic strategy player.

Actual Early Surrender is utterly fantastic, although it does not exist any longer anywhere in the world - to the best of my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
This watered down version of E.S. is not worth all that much to a basic strategy player.

Actual Early Surrender is utterly fantastic, although it does not exist any longer anywhere in the world - to the best of my knowledge.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Both of these statements are false to the best of my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
from Colombia (today)

I just spoke to a (real-life) friend who is currently playing BJ in Colombia,
although admittedly, he is not in Bogota. He is in Cartagena, Colombia.

He just emailed me as follows:

"Six deck S17 game, DAS and resplit Aces,
European No Hole Card rules.
ES v 10 with about 75% pen'.

Minimum here is about $2.25,
Maximum is about $113.50."



New Member
I´ve played in Colombian atlantic coast too

In the atlantic (caribbean) coastal cities in Colombia (Barranquilla, Cartagena, Santa Marta) they usually use the Six deck S17 game, DAS and resplit Aces, fully European No Hole Card (you always lose your double and splits against a dealer BJ), early surrender except dealers Ace. Spread is usually 1x-50x but they usually have continuous shuffling machines, so I wouldn´t be so sure about the penetration.

The casinos I first mentioned in Bogotá use these Rules: 6 Decks. Penetration 66-80%. H17. Double Any 2. Double after split. Double on split aces. 1 card on split aces. There is a Casino where they let you re-split Aces
The No Hole Card Rule in these casinos is something in between european and australian: If, and only if, you take FULL insurance (in the few cases when you should take insurance, you should take it in full anyway) , You´ll only lose your ORIGINAL wager in case you double or split or DAS and then lose against a dealer BJ (and of course, you also win the insurance bet) (I personally hate the fully european no hole card rule), if you took insurance for less that the maximun possible, you lose your split and doubles against a BJ. And You´ll only lose your original wager against a dealer BJ when the first dealer card is a 10.
Maximun spread is 1x-20x.
The fanciest Casinos in Bogotá use the same rules used in the atlantic coast cities, but they ALL have continuous shuffling machines, have 1x-50x spreads and offer some comps. Just don´t forget the ENHC rule when splitting or doubling against a dealer 10 or A.
Again, hope somebody find this useful


Well-Known Member
An email just received from Cartagena, Colombia

" ... is incorrect about the Rio game here. There is no shuffle machine. I acually wish there were, as the highly ritualized fairly ineffective shuffle they use takes forever. The game is H17; DOA;DAS;RSA; D split aces; full European no hole card, Early surrender except against dealer A. Pen varies by dealer from about 66% to 75%, occasionally a little better. Dealers are generally OK, and a table with 3 players playing a total of 4 spots probably gets 90 hands/hr.
The shuffle really hurts.

New item - since before Christmas - now there are 10,000 and
25,000 peso min tables where there used to be all 5,000. I can easily play
the 10,000 which I did last night after the first hour, still limiting my
spread to 2 x 75,000 at the top end. It was academic, as the count never
exceeded +4 except on the last two hands of one round when it shot up so fast
I could not get my bet up fast enough to be anywhere near where I should
have been and retain my parlay-only bet increase rule. It didn't hurt,
as I lost both bets anyway and so was better off being shy.

As there is only one table of each minimum, wonging at negative counts at
the 25,000 min table is really not an option, and sticking around at that bet in negative territory is lousy.

Other good casino news is that as of Dec 8, 2008, all smoking at the casino
is banned--smoke free in South America, amigo!