book opinions?


Active Member
zengrifter said:
Too bad he didn't know that beating (or avoiding) cancer is an ... ADVANTAGE PLAY.* zg

*...and most victims are the ploppies.
tthree said:
Offensive to cancer victims and their families. We are many.
x2. Felt the same. A bit insensitive.
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great book.. inspirational and it outlines a lot of the traits and styles of those who have made it. Munchkin - do you ever plan on coming out with another one? Market wizards was a great book too, one of the traders (i think Bill Hurd? been a while since i read it) used a complex market neutral strategy making a fortune running a trading firm but he used to be a blackjack player. interesting to see the similiarities between traders and gamblers.

Richard Munchkin

Well-Known Member
I think you are thinking of Blair Hull who played with Al Francesco and Ken Uston. He became a big trader in Chicago and eventually sold his company to Goldman Sachs for 600,000,000. He then decided to run for Il senate and was beat by some young guy named Barak Obama.

I'm really not planning to write another book since there is just so little money compared to the amount of work involved. I always laugh when I read posts by people who knock BJ authors saying that the guy is just making a lot of money by writing a book. Maybe Wong who publishes his own books so he gets all the money from the sales has made a lot off his books, but for a normal author with a publisher it is ridiculous.

My next project is a radio show with Bob Dancer called, Gambling With an Edge. It airs on Thursday nights at 7pm on a station in Vegas KLAV 1230am. Our first show together is this Thursday and out guest will be Annie Duke. If you have questions you want me to ask her just post them on my facebook page listed below.