Well-Known Member
Came across a couple books at the bookstore that I read through today.
1.) Blackjack, Play like the Pro's. by John Bukofsky. This isn't a new book, published in 2006 but I hadn't seen it before. There was nothing new in the book that an experienced counter wouldn't probably already know, but it was extremely well put together, covered all the basics and was easy to read an understand. I know Norm W helped out on the book, so I am sure all the numbers are spot on acurate.
Definately would be a book that I could recomment to anyone just starting out. (among many others)
2.) Doubledown guide to blackjack, by Joshua Hornik. I picked this up because I enjoyed Hornik's first book, 'Mensa guide to Blackjack' although it did contain some flaws. It only took a minute or two before I realized this was the same book.
Not just the same material, but the exact same book word for word, repackaged and retitled! Not sure why they would do that, but thought I would mention it just incase anyone was thinking of this book.
Anyone have any opinions or comments about these books?
1.) Blackjack, Play like the Pro's. by John Bukofsky. This isn't a new book, published in 2006 but I hadn't seen it before. There was nothing new in the book that an experienced counter wouldn't probably already know, but it was extremely well put together, covered all the basics and was easy to read an understand. I know Norm W helped out on the book, so I am sure all the numbers are spot on acurate.
2.) Doubledown guide to blackjack, by Joshua Hornik. I picked this up because I enjoyed Hornik's first book, 'Mensa guide to Blackjack' although it did contain some flaws. It only took a minute or two before I realized this was the same book.
Anyone have any opinions or comments about these books?