Booklist for wannabe punk bjpro


Active Member
Here's a list of 11 BJbooks I just orderd from amazon ..all paperbacks.totaling 150 bucks...a modest investment.And those of you that stress out over investing $100-400 in your game ..piss off.
Any other advice on good books.
I already read Revere's and Thorp's book.
I also plan on purchasing Casino Verite.

1 "Blackjack Attack, 2e"
Don Schlesinger; Paperback; @ $19.95 each

2 "Blackjack Autumn: A True Tale of Life, Death, and Splitting Tens in Winnemucca"
Barry Meadow; Paperback; @ $10.47 each

3 "The World's Greatest Blackjack Book"
Lance Humble, Carl Cooper; Paperback; @ $10.36 each

4 "Basic Blackjack"
Stanford Wong; Paperback; @ $10.47 each

5 "Las Vegas Blackjack Diary"
Stuart Perry; Paperback; @ $19.95 each

6 "Turning the Tables on Las Vegas"
Ian Andersen, Ian Anderson; Paperback; @ $2.95 each

7 "Theory of Blackjack, 6th Edition"
Peter A. Griffin; Paperback; @ $9.42 each

8 "Burning The Tables in Las Vegas--Keys to Success in Blackjack and in Life"
Ian Andersen; Hardcover; @ $18.75 each

9 "Blackjack Secrets"
Stanford Wong (Preface); Paperback; @ $7.50 each

10 "Professional Blackjack"
Stanford Wong (Preface); Paperback; @ $12.00 each

11 "Blackjack For Blood: The Card-Counters' Bible, and Complete Winning Guide"
Bryce Carlson; Paperback; @ $13.92 each

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
A few comments on your choices:

>1 "Blackjack Attack, 2e"
Don Schlesinger; Paperback; @ $19.95 each

Great book, must have.

>2 "Blackjack Autumn: A True Tale of Life, Death, and Splitting Tens in Winnemucca"
Barry Meadow; Paperback; @ $10.47 each

A fun read, will do nothing to improve your game.

>3 "The World's Greatest Blackjack Book"
Lance Humble, Carl Cooper; Paperback; @ $10.36 each

Another must have/must read.

>5 "Las Vegas Blackjack Diary"
Stuart Perry; Paperback; @ $19.95 each


>7 "Theory of Blackjack, 6th Edition"
Peter A. Griffin; Paperback; @ $9.42 each

Unless you have a strong mathematics background, you will not bereading much of this book.

>8 "Burning The Tables in Las Vegas--Keys to Success in Blackjack and in Life"
Ian Andersen; Hardcover; @ $18.75 each

Incredible book.

>10 "Professional Blackjack"
Stanford Wong (Preface); Paperback; @ $12.00 each

Must have/must read.

You have done well, read the books in this order: 3 then 10 then 8. Throw in book 2 when you need a fun read. Finally, read book 1 twice.



Active Member
Mayor:thnx for the feedback ... willdo.

Ahem and by the way what the heck is this ace-tracking all about?
Is it still possible with todays shuffling tactics?
Probably should be a new thread ..but I am completely cluless other than reading what zg just posted on the subject.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
The quick and dirty on sequencing

I have a shuffle applet on this site, set it to 6 decks, a watch where the aces go.

The theory is that if there is a sequence of cards, e.g. TJQKA that come out in one shoe, the the shuffle will put them in a sequence the next time they are dealt out. A bit of study and you can see a few standard sequences:



And so on.

You have to find a shuffle that is trackable, but once you have found one, watch out! The key is to have your guys all around the table, so they are all cooperating in steering the ace to the big player.



BJA, Blackbelt in BJ, Uston on BJ.

Also, regarding CV, the drills are where its at - not playing BJ video game, HARD DRILLING, which is why I personally recommend NeUltraMC or SmartCards or even 678 (which also sims). SmartCards and BJRM combined are a good combo. If you have a PDA you can also consider the Deepnet products. zg


1 "Blackjack Attack, 2e" (4)
Don Schlesinger; Paperback; @ $19.95 each

2 "Blackjack Autumn: A True Tale of Life, Death, and Splitting Tens in Winnemucca" (1)
Barry Meadow; Paperback; @ $10.47 each

3 "The World's Greatest Blackjack Book" (2)
Lance Humble, Carl Cooper; Paperback; @ $10.36 each

4 "Basic Blackjack" (2)
Stanford Wong; Paperback; @ $10.47 each

5 "Las Vegas Blackjack Diary" (1)
Stuart Perry; Paperback; @ $19.95 each

6 "Turning the Tables on Las Vegas" (3)
Ian Andersen, Ian Anderson; Paperback; @ $2.95 each

7 "Theory of Blackjack, 6th Edition" (2)
Peter A. Griffin; Paperback; @ $9.42 each

8 "Burning The Tables in Las Vegas--Keys to Success in Blackjack and in Life" (3)
Ian Andersen; Hardcover; @ $18.75 each

9 "Blackjack Secrets" (2)
Stanford Wong (Preface); Paperback; @ $7.50 each

10 "Professional Blackjack" (2)
Stanford Wong (Preface); Paperback; @ $12.00 each

11 "Blackjack For Blood: The Card-Counters' Bible, and Complete Winning Guide" (2)
Bryce Carlson; Paperback; @ $13.92 each


Active Member
>5 "Las Vegas Blackjack Diary"
Stuart Perry; Paperback; @ $19.95 each


I mildly disagree with the above quote. Stuart Perry is a very honest reflection of a BJ player. He doesn't have a lot to teach us but his honest report on his BJ sessions in LV teaches a lot. When I first started to count cards, gone through my first loosing streak, I read and re-read all my books, Stuart Perry book actually teaches me a lot at that time. Don's book is great. When you win a little, read BJA2. When you win a little more, read BJA2. When you start loosing a little, read BJA2 again, but when you start loosing a lot, read Stuart Perry.