OK, how about 5xKelly betting and my BR is 2000u. Am I still 50% likely to double as to tap? zgmoo321 said:Yeah, so long as it's not like 5 max bets total. Then the non-linearity of blackjack could come into play.
OK, how about 5xKelly betting and my BR is 2000u. Am I still 50% likely to double as to tap? zgmoo321 said:Yeah, so long as it's not like 5 max bets total. Then the non-linearity of blackjack could come into play.
don't know if this will help any......zengrifter said:OK, so we're in agreement that grossly overbetting will NOT result in greater than 50% RoR IF the target is simply to double the bank?
This is counter-intuitive (no pun intended) because I can think of another example -What if I have 1000u and I bet 4xKelly - can my RoR be only 50% if my target is to double my bank?Thats where it falls apart for me. zg
You mean it says MORE than 50% RoR before doubling!!?? What da fuaaa? zgsagefr0g said:don't know if this will help any......
note: game is DD s17 set at twice kelly but look at custom bets they have been doubled....
look again the double kelly ROR is 38% found for optimal bettingzengrifter said:You mean it says MORE than 50% RoR before doubling!!?? What da fuaaa? zg
So the 2xKelly ROR is 38% (66-max bet BR) and the 4xKelly ROR is 62% (33-max bet bankroll). This seems to match what moo321 was saying:sagefr0g said:look again the double kelly ROR is 38% found for optimal betting
then when those bets are doubled the ROR is 62% found in the custom bets when the optimal bets are doubled.
OH NO, SAY IT AINT SO!! zgSonny said:Betting more than 3xKelly will give you over a 50% ROR before doubling your BR.
Hold the phone, those are absolute risks of ruin, where a bankroll goes to either zero or infinity. In some of those ruined bankrolls, the player is going to double it first and then go to zero.Sonny said:So the 2xKelly ROR is 38% (66-max bet BR) and the 4xKelly ROR is 62% (33-max bet bankroll). This seems to match what moo321 was saying:
"I'm ONLY talking about your risk of ruin versus chance of doubling the bank, and even with 100 units it's probably less than 50%. But, if we're talking lifetime risk of ruin, then certainly it can be higher than 50%."
It looks like we've found our answer: Betting more than 3xKelly will give you over a 50% ROR before doubling your BR.
Then why wasn't the 2xKelly ROR 100%?Automatic Monkey said:Hold the phone, those are absolute risks of ruin, where a bankroll goes to either zero or infinity.
You can use the online ROR calculators:Automatic Monkey said:What we need to calculate is how likely a player is to double the BR and then stop playing, compared to how likely he is to lose his bankroll and stop playing. The RoR calculator in CVData should be able to calculate that.
how is it possible to have a 100% ror when you're playing with an advantage??? i can see the ror being really high if you do 2x kelly, but i still don't see how its possible for it to be exactly 100%Sonny said:Then why wasn't the 2xKelly ROR 100%?
There are a few examples earlier in this thread (around page 2 or 3 I think?). If you are always betting too much money, you will eventually hit a losing streak that takes it all away.bluewhale said:how is it possible to have a 100% ror when you're playing with an advantage??? i can see the ror being really high if you do 2x kelly, but i still don't see how its possible for it to be exactly 100%
well as you can see betting 2 x kelly gives you a high ROR. even while playing with an advantage. but kelly betting not only involves raising ones bets as ones bankroll increases but lowering ones bets as the bankroll decreases.bluewhale said:how is it possible to have a 100% ror when you're playing with an advantage??? i can see the ror being really high if you do 2x kelly, but i still don't see how its possible for it to be exactly 100%
I don't think this is correct. Let's say you had a 1% advantage on a biased coin flip and you flat bet 1 unit.Automatic Monkey said:Your illustration with the royal is a good one because it demonstrates the effect of variance on bankroll and ruin, but it is easier than you think to have a larger than 50% RoR.
Suppose you have a biased coin that comes up heads 51% of the time. You have an advantage on every flip (assuming you bet heads) but if you are betting 10% of your BR, the chances are quite high that you will lose it all. I'm getting something around 80% RoR without doing much math.
Bank Goal % of initial bank bet RoR
1 2 100 .495
2 4 50 .490001
5 10 20 .47502
10 20 10 .450164
50 100 2 .268935
100 200 1 .119196
Granted that a flat bet at a fixed EV doesn't apply directly to blackjack, but AM seemed to be saying that even a biased coin flip with a fixed positive EV could lead to a RoR of 80%. I disagree with that.moo321 said:KC, part of the problem is that, at very few bets, your risk of ruin will rise above 50%. This is because you don't win 51% of your hands at 1% edge. You win like 43%, but you win more units on some hands (blackjacks, splits and doubles). Blackjack isn't quite a coin flip, although compared to something like video poker it is close.
Well, I don't think so, I think lol. At least compared to original risk.EasyRhino said:Conventional wisdom when taking a 50% bankroll haircut would be to drop betting level by 50% to keep the risk of ruin constant.