

Active Member
I had the best day in my blackjack career today and I didn't win a penny. I sat down with a real pro and really learned how to count cards today. I have been playing for about a year thinking I was good, I was wrong. I could count down a deck in less than 20 seconds so I thought I was cool with what I needed to do to play the game. What I witnessed this morning made me think I might be wrong and I was.

I met this dude who we all know but I won't mention who, and the first thing he does to me is toss a bunch of cards on the table asks me to count them and is picking them up in the process. Of course I can't do it its impossible. So he gives me a pile of cards and tells me to toss them up in the air and only pick up the ones that land face up. This SOB then asks me what the count of those cards were, I don't know but he does! This amazes me. From there he systematically goes through counting with me no different than any book I read but with a precision that is unbeleivable. I can go on forever on how different it is to count or count perfect but I won't.

I have been practicing and playing for over a year. I have used CVBJ to practice with. I have played in casinos and felt confident. But I did not count through a shoe with no mistakes until we were through the 7th shoe today. As a matter of fact on my first shoe I was only off by 2 by my second I was off by 8, by my 3rd I was off by 13. This was an eye opener to what is really happening to me in the casino. I also was taught techniques how to gauge decks and make TC calculations quickly. I am still a novice but I feel someone just put a book of how to in my head. Today was awsome. I can't wait to start making some trip reports. Although I do know perfect play might not give perfect results, it doesn't matter I have confidence how to practice and play.


Well-Known Member
I have gone through a " Blackjack Awakening myself ". If it were not for the people I learned from, my life at the tables would not be so much fun. Hopefully others will look to these people for advise as well.


Well-Known Member
the best advice on the net is here

the people here are outstanding , realistic , down to earth , and knowledgeable . The biggest plus is that if they are not sure or do not have the CORRECT ANSWER they will link you up . You have people in here who play the red chips all the way up to the pumpkin and a few who play blue and grey chips as well . People in here show respect and should always be shown respect unless they are real idiots and then the iggy button is wonderful for that small problem . Good luck and keep the forum posted as well !!!:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you had a good time. It's always a bit of a shocker when you realise that you're not as good as you thought you were. It's also good to always have something to work towards - keeps the fires burning.



Active Member
Yeah man its an eye opener alright. What I find amazing is there really is a different level to counting even if you are using the same counting system. Its easy to read up on the stuff, but to actually do it and I mean do it right is a whole different ballgame. I really feel now that all I have won in the past was all about luck. Even though I knew how to count and bet and play, Iwas pretty screwed up when it came down to how I applied it. Today starts the new phase of card counting for me.

I also saw some cool shuffletracking things, but thats a ways down the road for me yet. One step at a time