Brief trip report (LV) and OSN


I posted the following on another forum.."To begin with, I was notified and sent a copy of an OSN report with my picture and that of my car, licence plate etc. This was early in the month. I had mostly played with a players card (a big no, no on some forums) for over 3 years. I had mostly also played DD games (a counter trap according to some pros). I play HiLO with I-18 and a few other deviations (not really learned so maybe slightly inaccurate) based upon common sense. I had played about 3+ years part time and recreationally and had increased my BR from about $15k to my current $60k.

In any case, with the OSN listing and forum views about what is likely to happen following an OSN listing, I considered cancelling my trip to Las Vegas (after all, it had only been a few weeks since I got put on OSN) but decided to test it out anyway. I decided to be anonymous and play anonymously during my 3 day trip.

After I picked up my rental car midweek from the airport, I was thinking of just driving down to a motel or a lesser known casino and get a room for about $50 a night. As I sat adjusting my rental car mirrors and sync with my phone, I decided to just call one of the two big chains and see what they would say to my request for a comped room. I thought they would simply say no. The first major casino I called said that I was ineligible for a comped room but that they would give me a low casino rate (plus resort fee which would have cost more than the $50 a night). I thought maybe the OSN report has really screwed me up in their records. However, the next call to another casino of the same huge chain led to a 3 night comped room in a lovely 18th floor suite with a spectacular view of the mountains. I went to the casino hotel, used my players card and ID, got my room.

Again, based upon forum reports, I was very nervous getting backed off so I started slowly at the Spaniard's place playing red chip DD game, soon as I was up a $100, I left. I wanted to eat Thai food across from the casino and had a great red curry dinner at the bar. I returned to pick up my car at the Spaniard's place and as I was passing the $25 SD, noticed it was empty and sat down. I refused a players card request (though I had a players card), the Asian lady and white elder gentleman in the pits played close attention so I started with a $50, went down to a $25 and up to a $100, played 2 shoes, went up $175, left for the garage and out and my casino/hotel. The casino hotel I was in at seemed to be having a small convention. Tables were packed. One pit had skimpy dressed dealers and 6/5 games with dealers taking turns dancing on a table in the middle of that pit. The tables were packed! I sat in the next pit for a while, played a bad DD game (no DAS, one pack cut off), stayed even and checked out the action for a while, went back up. It had been a long day (flight from the Midwest, time change and such) but I was up and that was good.

Next morning I headed to the locals casino chain's property nearest to the strip. I refused a players card but the pit seem to recognize me (I had stayed and played there before), played their DD game for 30 minutes, up $140, left. I thought they were searching to find me on their computer so I left. Then I went to another far off local casino and played there. Still being Midweek, tables were available with just 1-2 players. Played anonymously but was nervous because of heat, the fact that I had played there rated on prior trips and with OSN, may get backed off. Lost a $1000 and was in the red. Drove down to another of the same chain's place, played anonymously and kept losing. Lost another $1100 while the pit guy kept making conversation, even suggesting I looked familiar and with me saying I dont remember playing there in a year or so (a lie), that if I looked familiar, he had an incredible memory. Now, I was deep in red (for me).

Had a nice Vietnamese lunch, tried to review what was happening and felt I was so scared of the OSN and being backed off, I was playing cautiously, underbetting, doing cover plays like doubling for less (saying I choked, should have doubled for full amount etc.) and all the stuff about playing rated and OSN and such on these forums was affecting me. Decided I would go back and play more aggressively and see what happens.

Went to another of the locals place, went down some $1700 dollars, decided after 90 minutes to see what will happen if I gave them my players card. Given I was losing, I was taking more $$ out and as the pit guy came to add it on the monitor by the table, I took a bunch of players card and asked if one of them was theirs. He said yes, took the card to a main computer in the middle of the pit and I thought, here it comes, the OSN and my back off. I was down almost $3k on the trip and thought I could care less and maybe its a good thing I get backed off. The trip's second day was a disaster. To my surprise, the pit guy returned to the table and gave me a higher level tier card saying he had upgraded me. I had a new different color card!!! I played on, a marathon session with the lack of scrutiny that comes with an established players card, recovered and won $600. Had played for about 3 hours! As I colored up, I said (if you comp me a meal, I would be back to play) and got comped a nice meal at their Chinese restaurant.

From that point on, I played rated, played at the M properties, the CET properties and more locals casino over the next couple of days. All in all, I did 14 sessions over three days covering 17 actual table hours, ended up winning $1290. I was up over $2k but lost $900 in my last session before heading to return my rental car. Given my costs ($340 flight, $102 for resort fees, $127 for car rental, $92 for my car parked at local airport and $100 in meals), I ended up with just about $500 on the positive side.

I still do not know what to make of the OSN listing (since it had no impact during my trip) or playing rated (my experience says that heat decreases palpably when you are a long term rated player and the free rooms and meal comps saved me at least $300).

I dont know whether I can trust the advice of pros on forums on playing rated when they have not played rated in decades and dont know if being listed on OSN really effects small time players like myself. Maybe it effects those playing in HL rooms and black levels.

I am just relieved that they were mostly wrong in their concerns about OSN effect, back offs and such. Its possible that my OSN listing has not yet circulated widely and thus no one was on the lookout for me. After all, its only been a few weeks.

Oddly, I have even gone and played red chip short sessions at the casino (one of two locally) that likely listed me in OSN without any major consequences. I have also logged on to my account and received table play coupons. This week I am going to try and play the $25 tables to see if any counter measures take place.

To newbies and the like, this forum provides good advice on all AP topics (counting, BR, etc.) except on playing rated and using players cards. I would still say that using a players card is not harmful and the small comps are still beneficial. Doing it as I did when I was starting out and having significant losing sessions (which I consider a cost of tuition) and making mistakes helps establish you as not being a polished AP and the benefits that can last a long time. Should they eventually catch on to you, I am not sure the OSN listing by a casino in your state will have an effect on your play in other states. Course, if your ultimate goal is t play high stakes BJ, its probably best you play those high stakes games as an anonymous player.

As usual, some will vilify me for this post. It is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Smallcap, the entire story can be found in the fiction section of the library. It's all BS and troll bait.


21forme said:
Smallcap, the entire story can be found in the fiction section of the library. It's all BS and troll bait.
What exactly do you think is fiction. You want me to post you a copy of my airline ticket (Frontier airlines), my rental car receipt, my credit card statements showing gas purchases and food in Law Vegas or even the charge from the casino/hotel?

Is it so difficult to admit that perhaps times have changed and it's not so terrible to play rated these days?


ZeeBabar said:
What exactly do you think is fiction. You want me to post you a copy of my airline ticket (Frontier airlines), my rental car receipt, my credit card statements showing gas purchases and food in Law Vegas or even the charge from the casino/hotel?

Is it so difficult to admit that perhaps times have changed and it's not so terrible to play rated these days?
And 21forme, thanks for once again displaying your obsession with me, of waiting to get on any post I make, again trying to convince all the forum readers that they need you to tell them who is a troll.

If I prove you wrong, that nothing I wrote is fiction, will you please go see a therapist and stop following me on this and other forums including non BJ ones?


KewlJ said:
WHAT is wrong with you? :eek:
KewlJ, I like you. You care. I trust you on a whole lot of BJ stuff and I have tested out what you have written and found most of it correct and applicable to me. I am on a forum where I know all of you pros can and have helped me with a lot of stuff related to playing Blackjack. I am not the sort who believes everything I read and thus I test out what I have read. In all matters of count, betting, money management and strategy, I have found the forum pros correct. However, in just one area, I have not yet found any evidence to support the idea that playing rated is bad. I have found that playing rated does reduce heat, that the longer you play rated, the less heat you face. When I pull out a dozen plus cards (MLife, Station, Tropicana, Isle, Pinnacle, Sugar House etc.) and search for the Mlife or CET card to hand over to the pit, they immediately relax.

I have also heard that playing rated is a NO but for most of 3 plus years and as recent as a week ago, I have benefited from it. Despite being on OSN, a major property comped me a great room for 3 nights instead of a Motel 6 room if I had to pay. For 3 plus years, I have had free rooms in a number of places (means some 100 comped nights, substantial), free food, even a discounted flight (Biloxi) and more. I regularly (sometimes 3-4 nights each week) bring excellent comped food in carry out boxes home and my family enjoys a gourmet meal.

Forum pros have said that getting on OSN means the end of a whole lot of casinos. 2-3 weeks after getting my picture on OSN, I was comped a room by one of the largest chains in Las Vegas. I tested out whether I would be escorted out of the door if I handed my card after being placed on OSN and that also did not happen.

I am NOT saying that you or others are wrong. You may still be right. I dont know why it bothers so many that I am running this test and reporting the results. Its possible that times have changed and casinos want players to have a players card more for the purpose of building loyalty, sending offers to get you to come and play, perhaps because the competition has intensified.

I am also not sure that an OSN listing by a small casino in the Midwest is going to cause a much more competent casino or chain to disregard their own records and long term opinion and bar someone. Maybe my OSN listing led them to watch me play, decided that my low stakes and small bet spread and max bet were no threat to them.


Well-Known Member
1.) I appreciate that you have found some things that I and others have said to be beneficial. That really is my goal in sharing my experiences. I don't understand how you say you have benefited from things I and others have shared and then repeatedly turn around and do the opposite.

2.) Do you know how stupid it sounds to say "the pros have been right about everything, but on this issue they are wrong". What are the chances all the pro players that have the same opinion on this issue (of playing unrated) are wrong and you are right? o_O

3.) You are not thinking long-term. Sure some pit folks are more comfortable with you playing rated. And you get some benefits short-term, LESS HEAT, comps, free play, coupons. Short-term! Eventually if you are any good and really a threat, the casinos don't want you and when that occurs, having played rated gives them everything they need to know in one easy move. We try to make it as difficult as we can. I have entries in databases, but they don't have my name. Your first entry, is one of the most devastating I have seen. They have clear picture, name, clear license make and model of car. Why do you think that is? Because you made it easy for them!

4.) As I told you in private, an entry in a data base are bad, but not fatal, at least one or two. But it is a cumulative thing. You want to learn from that one or two. You aren't. You make it worse each time you mention it. It's easy to find for anyone reading. On top of it being a devastating entry, you keep pointing out what casino and area of the country. Zee, you are a freaking idiot! You are doing everything wrong! It's almost like you are proud of this entry, thinking it validates you as a real AP.

5.) You think there have been no consequences. Again you are thinking short-term. First there is a natural disconnect between security/surveillance/pit and the promotions dept. Sometimes it takes a while for them to catch up and to see the effects. And sometimes you dodge effects from a single incident. You won't dodge for long with what you are continuing to do and the new entries likely to come...make that surely to come.

Fundamental difference in you and I on learning. Somebody tells you something and you need to prove it to yourself. Usually by making the same mistake. I too learn from mistakes. BUT they don't have to be my mistakes. IF 2 or 3 professional players, who have years of success, tell me something...something they have learned the hard way....from mistakes, I am happy to learn from THEIR mistakes. I don't have to prove it to myself.

Honestly, I am tired of "leading you to water". I am just going to order up a big box of popcorn and watch. Unfortunately, I already KNOW the ending to this movie. :confused:
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Well-Known Member
There are people to whom you say, "Don't stick your hand in that fire, because you will burned," and they refrain, because they trust the source of the information. Then, there are those who trust no one and have to find out for themselves the hard way, so they allow themselves to be burned.

But, it takes a special breed who, when told they will be burned, flat out counter with: "You don't know what you're talking about. Fire used to burn people, but it doesn't anymore." In my opinion, those people are ineducable and deserve whatever comes their way.



Well-Known Member
DSchles said:
But, it takes a special breed who, when told they will be burned, flat out counter with: "You don't know what you're talking about....."
"Special"...enough said! You are being polite, Don.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to make a cross-forum reference, but in the same exact thread, same original post, on Norm's site, Stealth's response bears repeating:
"I take strong exception to your posting this bullshit for new players to see and believe. As I have said, you are free to do as you please, but telling others its OK is just wrong and ignorant."

Or to use Don's analogy, it is one thing for Zee to burn himself, It is quite another for him to set others (newer players) on fire. :mad:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
21forme, I have to put humor in my zee post now because he drives me nuts. All the help he has received from us and many others in almost four years now, and suddenly he has all the answers.


Well-Known Member
BoSox said:
I have to put humor in my zee post now because he drives me nuts.
I undeerstand. I try to ignore him and his troll bait as much as possible, but he's like fingernails on the chalkboard - hard to ignore and hits a nerve.


21forme, it's time to see a therapist. You keep assuming forum members need you to tell them who is a troll. You do this on every thread on 2-3 BJ forums and 1-2 non BJ forums where I post.

You lie too, calling my report a fiction when it's easy for me to prove you wrong.

Everyone says self discipline is critical to success as an AP. You don't have any. You tell everyone on every forum I am that they should ignore me but you yourself cannot seem to do it.

Take this OP. I went on a trip, told what happened. Why is it so hard to ignore? Do you see Don or Norm or a whole lot of others posting on this thread? Why are you on this thread? If you are honest, and you can only get better if you start admitting, you have developed an obsession, a life mission to keep others from any thread I start.

People accuse me of repeating questions. You have made the same posting on 3-4 forums telling people I am a troll and to not fall for troll bait. If it's troll bait, you are the one I can always count on catching.


Well-Known Member
ZeeBabar said:
Do you see Don or Norm or a whole lot of others posting on this thread?
For the record, Don did in fact try, but unless you hear someone who agrees with you, you dismiss them too. You have come a long way ZeeBabar, and I am afraid you are going to learn the hard way.
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BoSox said:
For the record, Don did in fact try, but unless you hear someone who agrees with you, you dismiss them too. You have come a long way ZeeBabar, and I am afraid you are going to learn the hard way.
True Bosox. Yes, its possible that playing rated and being on OSN might mean the end of my playing BJ. I am willing to see my BJ days end. Are you willing and open to the possibility that perhaps the days since you played rated and now might be different? Here is what I have read on the forum and my actual experience.

Reading the forum, the advice was to never play rated. I played rated for 3+ years, still do though I mix in rated and anonymous play of late.

Reading the forum, playing rated gives casinos your identity and this leads to OSN and Biometrica which leads to not being able to play most places. I played rated, got into OSN and its not been the disaster that everyone predicted. Not so far.

Time will tell.

Except for T3 and SCG, the rest are not open to the possibility that for part timers and recreational players, playing smaller stakes and playing rated is not so terrible.

Everyone seems to get defensive at my suggestion that at least at the newbie stage, playing rated in local casinos has its benefits. In my case, playing rated in local casinos regularly lead to comped meals (and dinners you could take out to family) and free rooms elsewhere. I played rated in MS, got free rooms in LA and Las Vegas (both enjoyed by my family). Before BJ, my family would stay at Excalibur or Palace Station or El Cortez during vacations After playing rated, we now stay at the MBay or RIO or MGM or Red Rock for free.

There is an assumption by some that players cards are strictly to identify card counters and its not true. Players cards are probably for building loyalty, wanting people to want to come to their casino and to fight of the competition and draw people away from local casinos and to places like Las Vegas. It works. Some folks, small time AP's, wannabe card counters and newbies ought to take advantage. I dont think the casinos care enough as the damage to their bottom line is too miniscule. If and when a newbie's BR is high enough to where he/she is playing Green or higher or adopting a slash and burn style, they can start playing anonymously.