Well-Known Member
So FAR. A while back I told a story of a construction worker that fell from the top floor of a highrise. As he passed the 6th floor a co-worker yelled out "how's it going". His response "so far so good."ZeeBabar said:Reading the forum, playing rated gives casinos your identity and this leads to OSN and Biometrica which leads to not being able to play most places. I played rated, got into OSN and its not been the disaster that everyone predicted. Not so far.
Yes it will. Problem is most of us have seen this movie before.ZeeBabar said:Time will tell.
This is true. For low stakes, part-players, playing rated can have benefits. Problem is....THAT is NOT what you told us you were doing. You told us you were playing full-time or close to full-time to supplement retirement.ZeeBabar said:Except for T3 and SCG, the rest are not open to the possibility that for part timers and recreational players, playing smaller stakes and playing rated is not so terrible.
If this was all a game to you, some sort of 'experiment' you should have said that at the beginning. But again, THAT is not what you did, you said you were going to attempt to play fulltime or close to fulltime supplementing your retirement, so many here and on Norm's site bend over backwards to help you. I went as far as to list some of the games that I play from my rotation and what kind of heat you can expect at different times. I mean WTF! I took you seriously. Everyone took you seriously.
"Players cards are for building loyalty" ?? Good lord! This paragraph just proves that you have no idea what you are talking about. Again, like Stealth said on the other forum, I can only hope newer players have the good sense to see that you have no clue what you are talking about. Perhaps that is the silver lining to all this. While you were dishonest about your intent and wasted everyone's time, maybe a couple newer guys will learn from it, because YOU sure haven't!ZeeBabar said:There is an assumption by some that players cards are strictly to identify card counters and its not true. Players cards are probably for building loyalty, wanting people to want to come to their casino and to fight of the competition and draw people away from local casinos and to places like Las Vegas. It works. Some folks, small time AP's, wannabe card counters and newbies ought to take advantage. I dont think the casinos care enough as the damage to their bottom line is too miniscule. If and when a newbie's BR is high enough to where he/she is playing Green or higher or adopting a slash and burn style, they can start playing anonymously.