Burn card Rule


Well-Known Member
Is there a rule to show the burn card or not show it?

At least in AC, some dealers do not even flip the card and put it in the discard tray. Many dealers show it.

Any official rule that governs it to stress the dealer?

Or I will have to just persuade my ploppy friends to see the burn card for good luck.


Well-Known Member
AC is the only place in the country I've played where dealers either routinely show the burn card or don't give you a VERY dirty look if you ask to see it.


Well-Known Member
no, there is no rule to show it or not. In fact, in PA where I play they are not even required to burn a card at all.

Yesterday I was backcountin' a few plops and one dood started off the shoe with a wonderful, juicy ace of spades which was promptly complimented with a duece. After noticing the dealer had forgot to burn one, he started getting uppity that he had somehow recieved the short end of the stick.

He was informed that the dealers are obliged to burn a card for us, they are supposed to, but certainly aren't required to do so, angry plop or no angry plop.Needless to say, they all lost.


Well-Known Member
Is there a rule to show the burn card or not show it?

Most casinos will show the table the burn card if requested and after 5-6 requests the dealer will continue to show the burn. Some of the single deck sweat shops simply refuse. I have never seen multiple deck games refuse to show the burn.


Well-Known Member
In some of the multiple deck sweat shops, the dealer's are not allowed to show the burn card.


Well-Known Member
eandre said:
Is there a rule to show the burn card or not show it?

Most casinos will show the table the burn card if requested and after 5-6 requests the dealer will continue to show the burn. Some of the single deck sweat shops simply refuse. I have never seen multiple deck games refuse to show the burn.
I only know of one casino in Michigan that will show the burn card.


Well-Known Member
Saw a dealer in Indiana one time who showed it routinely-but he didn't have to-the other dealers didn't.:joker:


Active Member
Asking to See the Burn Card

When I ask to see the burn card in a 6D game, the dealer usually shows it.
But I don't do this too often since I feel this is a tipoff that I'm counting.
Is there any advice for how to get the dealer to show the burn card without tipping off that you are counting?

Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
My Favorite Double Deck Casino Will Show the Burn Card....

... but you have to ask. Then they will call it out by saying something like "showing the burn card" loud enough for the entire pit to hear. I don't think its worth the risk of being ID as a counter by asking. It is nice when someone else at the table asks.