Burning down my home town....


I posted this earlier today on Norm's site, thought I'd do the same here...

Last night (5-3-22), I lit on a DD game here where I live in a remote city of NV...Lo and behold - yet again - there was another youngster spreading one hand of $15 to two hands of $400 on each. I got up to leave, but before leaving I discreetly told him he was going to burn this joint down spreading like that!...He replied "I don't care, I'm never coming back here anyway"....I told him "well I care, I've been playing here for many many years and I hate to see the place on fire". Sure enough, the next time he made that ludicrous spread they made a phone call and shut the table down... After I left I went to my favorite SD joint and sure enough, there he was again in the process of burning that joint down also!....I've been playing in this town for 40 years and have never lost a joint. I play green and never spread more than 1 to 4 units, and even then, I get to 4 units only by parlaying from 2 units. Occasionally I will add a 5th unit if the C warrants it....The point I am trying to make is this. Not often, but now and then here comes an unhinged asshole like the one above, hell-bent on looting, pillaging and burning down the whole town. I am so sick of it as after one of these firestorm events I have to stay away for a month or two until things cool down! When something like this happens all the joints get on the horn with each other and "APB's" go out....I'm sure this post will create a shit-load of controversy, but felt it needed posting anyway, hoping it might thwart future events like this debacle....Same Ronster...."Luck is the residue of design"


Well-Known Member
Are you even really making much money off spreading 1-4 units? You are being paranoid. I'm sure that Casino you play at has backed off many counters. Probably at some point they backed off one the day before you played there and you didn't even know about it.... I'm willing to bet that youngster is making hella EV. Put yourself in his shoes. If you went on road trip for playing, with sole purpose to make as much money as possible. You wouldn't care if you got the boot out every casino on the way. It should be expected actually. Did you help train him? Did you play on team with him? Mentor him in any way? Do you sign his cheques? No? Then you have no right to complain about how he plays and earns a dollar. Face it your upset over what's likely decent double deck game being spotted by other counters who are making better money at it than you. Would you say this if that was Tommy Hyland at your table spreading like that? An old timer who was famous for aggressive spreads. One of the most profitable card counters ever on record. It's okay to be secretive about games that you don't want people knowing about. But being possessive about a game and telling others how they should play is dumb. There are more card counters today than ever, you should come to that conclusion that not everyone wants play it 'safe" and make peanuts. Mind your business and focus on your play. Don't like it, door is always open.


AchillesBlackjack said:
Are you even really making much money off spreading 1-4 units? You are being paranoid. I'm sure that Casino you play at has backed off many counters. Probably at some point they backed off one the day before you played there and you didn't even know about it.... I'm willing to bet that youngster is making hella EV. Put yourself in his shoes. If you went on road trip for playing, with sole purpose to make as much money as possible. You wouldn't care if you got the boot out every casino on the way. It should be expected actually. Did you help train him? Did you play on team with him? Mentor him in any way? Do you sign his cheques? No? Then you have no right to complain about how he plays and earns a dollar. Face it your upset over what's likely decent double deck game being spotted by other counters who are making better money at it than you. Would you say this if that was Tommy Hyland at your table spreading like that? An old timer who was famous for aggressive spreads. One of the most profitable card counters ever on record. It's okay to be secretive about games that you don't want people knowing about. But being possessive about a game and telling others how they should play is dumb. There are more card counters today than ever, you should come to that conclusion that not everyone wants play it 'safe" and make peanuts. Mind your business and focus on your play. Don't like it, door is always open.
Archilles....FYI I've been playing/beating these joints from the inside as well as the outside since the 60's, back when the good fella's owned and ran them. And yes, a 1-4 spread has served me well all those years. I also dealt craps, bj and roulette for many of those years, so I do know the in's/out's of how to prosper and stay alive while doing so...So, when one of you scorched earth advocates come along I get the red-ass, and rightfully so. If you think your m/o is justified then you have no comprehension of how things work in NV casinos! You'd have lasted not more than one play back in the day, and what happened next would have changed your thinking for ever more....."Mind your business and focus on your play, the door is always open"?....Go f--- yourself dikhead!!!


Well-Known Member
AchillesBlackjack said:
Are you even really making much money off spreading 1-4 units?.
1-4 is perfectly fine for the SD games he's playing. Especially since he wants to keep playing them. (It's definitely inadequate for a shoe game.)

I think the kid was probably a bit foolish, as while a spread like that certainly has high theoretical EV, if you're shut down immediately your hours are toast. And they'll tell neighboring properties. High EV * zero = zero.

EV has to consider both per-hand and per-hour. If you're traveling so far to get an hour or two in, what's the point?

Still, I don't think the kid would necessarily bring a bad light on ronster. Maybe it keeps the attention off of him some, not that he seems to need it.


Well-Known Member
ronster said:
Archilles....FYI I've been playing/beating these joints from the inside as well as the outside since the 60's, back when the good fella's owned and ran them. And yes, a 1-4 spread has served me well all those years. I also dealt craps, bj and roulette for many of those years, so I do know the in's/out's of how to prosper and stay alive while doing so...So, when one of you scorched earth advocates come along I get the red-ass, and rightfully so. If you think your m/o is justified then you have no comprehension of how things work in NV casinos! You'd have lasted not more than one play back in the day, and what happened next would have changed your thinking for ever more....."Mind your business and focus on your play, the door is always open"?....Go f--- yourself dikhead!!!
Being part Italian and growing up in Italian neighborhood, I think I have pretty good understanding of what would come next after being caught back in the day by casino was being operated by cosa nostra…I wouldn’t of even bothered counting. I’ve also dealt bj, roulette and all that jazz too. For every casino that doesn’t let you play for an hour, there is another that will let you play for days on end. You giving casinos too much credit. Why should I care if you a goof like yourself gets burned by the casino? Your not part of my bankroll and training/mentoring. You don’t have right tell me how play. The year is 2022, adapt and stop crying at every other card counter you see playing aggressive.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
1-4 is perfectly fine for the SD games he's playing. Especially since he wants to keep playing them. (It's definitely inadequate for a shoe game.)

I think the kid was probably a bit foolish, as while a spread like that certainly has high theoretical EV, if you're shut down immediately your hours are toast. And they'll tell neighboring properties. High EV * zero = zero.

EV has to consider both per-hand and per-hour. If you're traveling so far to get an hour or two in, what's the point?

Still, I don't think the kid would necessarily bring a bad light on ronster. Maybe it keeps the attention off of him some, not that he seems to need it.
His spread was super aggressive. But I highly doubt this was hours drive to play like that or he was flying home that night or something. It wouldn’t make sense.


Active Member
there’s no sense in wasting mental energy venting about AP’s killing your game. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened and it certainly won’t be the last.