Buy- in amount question


Well-Known Member
Hey Now! If I have a $500 BR should I buy-in for the entire amount each time I sit down and show my player's card?? Better for comps?
I can always take a bathroom break and stash some away....


Well-Known Member
Naw. A pit boss will think you're a punk if you buy in for $500 and then bet nickels.

I would, however, buy in for at least $100. Less than that, and you might not even the pit boss's radar for rating purposes.

If you're not card counting, I'd probably buy in for 10-20 bets.

If you are card counting, it's tougher, I'd probably buy in for at least a few of your big bets.


Well-Known Member
I don't count, but always buy-in for $100+ to at least get punched in..I usually don't bet much of a spread..


Well-Known Member
I used to only buy in for $100 (my spread is $5 to $50). I was warned about buying in for $200-300 and betting nickels to start. Looks bad.

But I got tired of the count going up in the first shoe, and me having to go from a $5 bet to a $40 or $50 bet and not having the chips to do it.

I think it might look a little suspicious to be betting $5 for a while, then suddenly going into your pocket to buy in for another hundred when you have $35 worth of chips left in your stack.

"Sir, you don't have enough there for this bet?"

"Nah, I, uh, feel like betting 10 units... err... I wanna bet the farm on a hunch, that's it, a hunch!"
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Kaiser said:
I think it might look a little suspicious to be betting $5 for a while, then suddenly going into your pocket to buy in for another hundred when you have $35 worth of chips left in your stack.
Not at all - bet the 35 and then (win) parlay, or (lose) rip out another hundred (big count) and bet 2x50, and (lose, big count) do it again - look like you're steaming/tilt.

Small buyins, lose then steam. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Not at all - bet the 35 and then (win) parlay, or (lose) rip out another hundred (big count) and bet 2x50, and (lose, big count) do it again - look like you're steaming/tilt.

Small buyins, lose then steam. zg

Egg-xactly.And make it look like you are betting the rent money as you buy in for more.Ask the table if anyone can break $100 bill and buyin for $40.Then use the rest as needed.


Well-Known Member
I play BS religously..much to the ploppys angst..I don't drink but my buddies do so I watch their BS go downhill as the evening progresses..
I just want to look better to the PBs for comp purposes..
I only play AC 4 times a year...Vegas once. going back in '08
Gonna learn to count over the winter

Thanks for all ya'lls help


flysrb said:
I play BS religously..much to the ploppys angst..I don't drink but my buddies do so I watch their BS go downhill as the evening progresses..
I just want to look better to the PBs for comp purposes..
I only play AC 4 times a year...Vegas once. going back in '08
Gonna learn to count over the winter

Thanks for all ya'lls help.
No, I mean seriously? zg


Well-Known Member
flysrb said:
I play BS religously..much to the ploppys angst..I don't drink but my buddies do so I watch their BS go downhill as the evening progresses..
I just want to look better to the PBs for comp purposes..
I only play AC 4 times a year...Vegas once. going back in '08
Gonna learn to count over the winter

Thanks for all ya'lls help
Long drive to AC from Gloucester! What's it take, 6 hours? Where do you play?


Well-Known Member
Hey Now!
6 hours and I try to go thru the Eastern Shore,,I play the Trop and Borgata..
Taking the wife this trip and she doesn't play , but she will have our daughter- in- law to hang with.
I played at Terribles in Vegas and the comps were awesome there..
Now if I could only find a table in AC that has Kaliber
N/A brew..

p.s. once again thanks ya'll for being so kind to a newbie


Well-Known Member
Apparentely this is how they figure out comps

[(average bet amount) * (time played) * (house edge on that game)]* 40%= the amount of money they give you for comps....

thats what the travel channel told me anyway, hahaha.


Well-Known Member
toastblows said:
time played is measured in?
yeah because the casino assumes that any normal non AP who is winning will eventually lose it back due to the slight house edge, so the longer you are playing the more chance they have to get their money back...


Well-Known Member
beat320 said:
[(average bet amount) * (time played) * (house edge on that game)]* 40%= the amount of money they give you for comps....
Modify to

bet * hours * hands/hr * edge * comp fraction

Hands/hr may vary if they pick how fast they think you're playing, and edge may vary depending on your "skill rating". But I suspect both of these numbers get stuck at a default most of the time


flysrb said:
I play BS religously..much to the ploppys angst..I don't drink but my buddies do so I watch their BS go downhill as the evening progresses..
I just want to look better to the PBs for comp purposes..
I only play AC 4 times a year...Vegas once. going back in '08
Gonna learn to count over the winter

Thanks for all ya'lls help
If you are playing for Comps it would be cheaper for you to go and just buy that chicken dinner. I have seen many people try to play the role for a $7.99 chicken dinner and in the end it cost them $200. Thats some chicken dinner !