Can anyone do a sim?


Well-Known Member
Hey, my PC died, taking along with it my software. My laptop has nothing on it at all, I just want a quick sim done from anyone if that's ok?

8 deck, H17, 3:2, D9-11, DAS, Split to 3, nRSA, NS, OBBO.

Wong in at +2, out at -2.

$30 @+2, $100 @ +3, 2x $200 @+4.

Also, $30 @+2, $150 @+3, 2x $250 @+4.

Usual output, hourly rate etc.

Much appreciated.


Active Member
my desktop doesn't die, neither does my laptop but me....i die.
if nobody to do 4 u in this week, i will rebirth to do 4 u.


Well-Known Member
$30,000 BR, $10,000 session BR

Wong in at TC 2, wong out at TC -2

Can't seem to sim switching to 2 hands, I only have options for play all TC with 1 hand or play all TC with 2 hands.

Koz1984 said:
$30 @+2, $100 @ +3, 1x $400 @+4.
Win: $35.82/hr
SD: $1138.87/hr
Score: 36.63
RoR: 19.1%

Koz1984 said:
$30 @+2, $150 @ +3, 1x $500 @+4.
Win: $45.69/hr
SD: $1433.11/hr
Score: 37.65
RoR: 26.3%
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