Card Counting Etiquette

kewljason said:
Just ignore him. He is just one of the unpleasant people that you encounter throughout life. He is without a doubt the most repugnant and hostile person I have encountered on this site. If you read through some of his posts, you will notice an argumentative, disagreeable, combative theme surfacing time and time again.
Now wait a minute! That's my title and I'm prepared to defend it!

MAZ said:
This is bullsh*t. First off I agree with Renzey that I very rarely run into anything resembling another counter or ap at the tables unless its planned and I know them. But if its a good game and I do suspect another player to be an ap that I do not know, I want him off my table regardless of when I showed up. I do not defer my money making opportunities to anyone, period. I will agree that I do not want any negative attention brought upon myself, but I don't care one lick if its brought upon the other. And thats just the way it is. This common courtesy noise is nonsense. Its survival of the fittest, and if can get you the hell away from my good game, you damn well know thats whats going to happen. Its business, and I'm not in business to make unknown counters thrive. No apologies, if I am strong enough a player to remove another from my situation then thats what happens, and vice versa if they can remove me. But good luck with that.
"Survival of the fittest," huh? Why would you even consider getting into a battle with another counter that could result in mutual destruction? In nature predators keep away from one another unless they have a damned good reason to do otherwise, and the last thing I would want in a casino is any trouble with a guy who has the same intelligence and skills as I do.

A smart AP does what is pragmatic, always. If you are ever in the same casino I am I'll be happy to move to a different table and let you get the surveillance that I would be getting otherwise. I might even be a good sport and bend a few 10's for you before I leave. :laugh: