Card Counting for the Recreational Player?


Active Member
Assuming rather typical (poor) rules, 6D H17 DAS RSA, 75% pen, here is what I get out of CVdata for some options for break even or better with low spreads and wonging OUT only. I assume you start at the beginning of the shoe.

HiLo count, minimal indexes (Insurance at +3, Stand on 16 v T 0, 15 v T +4)
Wong out at a TC <= -1 and Flat betting gives you +0.05% (IBA). Play 50%.
  • If you double your bet at +2, you get +0.30%
  • If you double your bet at +2, but wong out at TC<=-2, you get +0.15% but play 70%

A "casual gambler" might prefer a method based on running count to make this easier (as suggested by Renzey in an earlier post). Here are some results using only the running count:

  • With NO indexes, wonging out at RC<= -6 and flat betting gives -0.02%, playing 60%. If you double your bet at +6 you can improve this to +0.15%
  • Wonging out at RC <=-8 and doubling bet at +4 gives 0.08%, but more play (70%)
Adding only the three index plays I used for the true count examples didn't really help much for the Running count method (0.02% improvement), but if you wanted to use them I found Insurance at RC>= +10, Stand on 16 v T +1, stand 15 v T +12.

Looking at all these, i would think that just wonging out at RC <= -6 would be a great place to start, and would give a relatively low risk way to get some experience counting at the table.

As others have stated the truly casual gambler would likely be better off just playing basic strategy. However, if you enjoy learning new skills and testing them, and would like to use them with reduced risk of getting backed off at your favorite toilet, this might be interesting. Also, if anyone wants to check my results, I would appreciate it, as I am new to CVdata!
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