Card Counting, The REAL Truth is... -VIDEO


Active Member
I watched when he was interviewed. The host asked him if he still plays blackjack and he answered yes but only in the $25 min. table. What??

Are you kidding me !!! ONLY $25 min. Doesn't he know how much bankroll he needs for $25 min. table!!!!!!!!

Not only that he keeps on saying that he gave up blackjack because it does not work. Well if it does not work how come he is still playing on a $25 min. table.

I think the casino paid him to discourage the likes of Mr, Zengrifter.........:cool2::cool2::cool2:


Well-Known Member
One good thing from this video - it just goes to show you that even an idiot can learn to count cards. Many people are intimidated by card counting because they think you have to be a math genius to do it. This guy proves that any moron can count cards!


I am new here at this site great place with a lot of info. After seeing his video and then reading his views at,this guy is no author as well as a bj player. His only job in life is to discourage mankind about anything. Yet he is a loser himself.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
he's even got his own website complete with strip joint reviews! :rolleyes:
"Anyways, this is a pretty good club. There's no
alcohol because it's fully nude. If you want alcohol, it would have to be
at a topless bar. I guess for some reason, they don't serve alcohol in a
full nude bar because all the drunks would probably get up on stage
trying to have sex with the girls or something. Anyways, they have this
back room, you know the VIP room."

what an excellent author. sounds like his bumbling interview. "you know, this card counting thing, where the dealer is just as likely as you to get 20s and 21s.... I was betting like $5000, $1000, whatever." I would be shocked if that guy ever put 10 blacks down at once. My A$$. He sounds like some loser rich kid, BR'lled by daddy warbucks who never knew the first thing about professional card counting. Bet his book, just like his strip club reviews will be a real wiEner.


Well-Known Member
Does cardcounting work?

I understand that mathematically and theoretically cardcounting should gain a 1% or 2% advantage. I would like to know from the good card counters who post on this board, what successes have you had over the last three or four years?


tribute said:
I understand that matematically and theoretically cardcounting should gain a 1% or 2% advantage. I would like to know from the good card counters who post on this board, what successes have you had over the last three or four years?
1-2%+ is spot on IF you do it right. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
I did an advantage-play on strip clubs, years ago. My friend was a travel agent and we took a bunch of unvalidated airline stock into the club and were writing first-class tickets - Paris - London - Tokyo, the girls went nuts! Tickets were not validated and later my friend reported them lost.

When I was in the halfway house, my roommate was a counterfeitor - he would make 100$ bills on bleached 5$ bills - told me how to do it - he'd start on Friday night and by Sunday night he'd have 200 phoney 100$ bills. First stop, he says, "the strip club!" zg
What'd he use--bleached out $5 bills and a high tech color copier?

I have an acquaintance who got caught passing counterfeit hundreds, but these were really good. They suspected him for other reasons, and when they tried to pick out the counterfeits from the real bills in a bank deposit, they got it wrong and picked real hundred dollar bills because his looked better than the real ones. lol Counterfeit bills are so good nowadays that they are talking about changing the plates every year. Another sample of free enterprise being superior to anything the government operates.


aslan said:
What'd he use--bleached out $5 bills and a high tech color copier?
Yes. Not bleached - solvent bath in microwave. He'd change out the copier glass - insert numbers into his photoshop images - copy - wrinkle - Scotchgard- steam iron - frontload dryer - more Scotchgard - iron - hit strip clubs and casinos - start over. He said they even worked in machines. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Yes. Not bleached - solvent bath in microwave. He'd change out the copier glass - insert numbers into his photoshop images - copy - wrinkle - Scotchgard- steam iron - frontload dryer - more Scotchgard - iron - hit strip clubs and casinos - start over. He said they even worked in machines. zg
Yankee ingenuity! Those innovative Americans! Sounds like he worked hard for his money. lol My friend is on parole after spending a couple in jail. Don't know the details, but he's trying to walk the straight and narrow.

I'd try it if I knew how. Only it would be a solo operation (the only secret is the one that nobody knows but you). You could launder them through casino slots on a planned schedule (the bills will be detected) of random machines (they will stake out the offenders), and a number of disguises (they will be onto certain slot players through video tapes). Also, have to have a good cover story for what it's worth as to how you came into possession of the bills (you must have a place to do the dirty deed that the police will never know about).

Justification? You're stealing from the biggest thieves on earth, casino operators and Uncle Sam. Or, Uncle Sam wastes more in one minute than you can steal in a lifetime. Or, nearly every big business in America has done far worse.

Bottom line? It's wrong, but not a grave moral lapse. And, you're in good company.

It was fun imagining. But upon greater reflection, I don't think I would really do it. But don't tempt me. lol

Arnold Rothstein: What's the secret of America? MONEY! Everything is MONEY, Charlie [Lucky Luciano]. But you'll never make any money, because you dress like a schmuck. The movie, The Mobsters


It's crystal clear in watching the video

As previously noted, he over bet his bankroll after a nice upswing, not taking into account the normal fluctuation factor that was his ultimate downfall. If you watch the video, he states, "There I was betting $25, then up to $100, then kept going and was betting $5000"----FIVE THOUSAND A HAND??? Just what sort of bankroll was he sporting to be betting $5000 even as a max bet? It was more than likely not enough.

This young man is another example of living proof that you can be a counter but be destined for failure just like the young man I had the conversation with and talked about in my post entitled, "A day at the ranch". It is the exact same criteria for failure... feeling cocky or in some way invincible based on short term results and in turn over betting your bankroll into oblivion. Regardless of whether the $25 to $5000 transition of betting was the minimum or maximum bet (this was not specified or clarified), did his total bankroll increase by 200X to warrant being able to afford to make $5000 bets? I seriously doubt it.

Counting is only one part of the big picture. I suggest he read a few other people's books prior to writing his own.

Slick Vic

Active Member
I like how he says he devotes a whole chapter to the "Double Up Theory." Ever heard of the Martingale, buddy? I guess when you give it a different name and put a chapter about it in your own book, you sound smart.


Well-Known Member

Ok, Im going to buy it if I can find it. After I read it, I will send it to a couple of you to see what you think.


Well-Known Member
ccibball50 said:
Ok, Im going to buy it if I can find it. After I read it, I will send it to a couple of you to see what you think.
ccibball50 did you ever get around to buying the book? If yes, how about a review please?
ccibball50 said:
Ok, Im going to buy it if I can find it. After I read it, I will send it to a couple of you to see what you think.
Every real review of the book on gives the book one star (there are also ten "5 star reviews" which were obviously faked.) The reviewers mention that the book is only 40 pages long with no writing on the backs of the pages and that it is "more like a poorly written college essay" than an actual book. Unless you have money to burn, save your money.