card counting?


hello from France,

I have been learning to count the cards for one year, I use the plus minus strategy, I have read "Playing blackjack as a business".

I have tried to play in a casino, I have won 3 times but I also lost 3 times.
can you indicate me if there are some other books I should read so as to improve my counting strategy?

thank you for your answers.




Well-Known Member
i always recommend

"Blackjack Bluebook II"

even though you might already be more advanced that some of the material in the book, I feel it is a fundamental book in my BJ library.

For the more advanced, "Blackjack Attack" -latest edition.


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
i always recommend

"Blackjack Bluebook II"

even though you might already be more advanced that some of the material in the book, I feel it is a fundamental book in my BJ library.

For the more advanced, "Blackjack Attack" -latest edition.
Still haven't finished reading BJA yet Mim. That book is an encyclopedia. BJ BB II is a great book, but I read it in two days. :p


Well-Known Member
Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder - the single best resource for starting to play.



Well-Known Member
I think a few months back that the general consensus from the Pro's was that PBFAB, while an important book, was outdated. But I might be wrong...

bj bob

Well-Known Member
anto said:
hello from France,

I have been learning to count the cards for one year, I use the plus minus strategy, I have read "Playing blackjack as a business".

I have tried to play in a casino, I have won 3 times but I also lost 3 times.
can you indicate me if there are some other books I should read so as to improve my counting strategy?

thank you for your answers.


There are several inherent problems with PBJaaB that Revere needed to clarify in his book. The first being playing the hands according to the true count. Your RC and the begiining of a SD is not nearly as powerful as later on.
The next flaw, due to game evolution, is the problem of penetration. In Revere's day a single deck was dealt down almost to the end (Oh! those were the good 'ol days). The third serious problem is that he grossly understated the amount of BR you will need to avoid busting out.
His theory is on the money, but the game has changed and his system needs to be modified to present conditions.


thank you for your advices,

I will read "Blackjack Bluebook II" et "blackjack attack".

and then try to improve my counting strategy.

I will come this year to the USA, do you know if they are major differences between blackjack in Europe and in America?
(we play with 6 decks, can double any card,early surrender, insurance on dealer ace)



You can read "Gambling Planet" one of the best book for blackjack. If you want some online blackjack strategies look at May this help you.


RJT said:
Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder - the single best resource for starting to play.

I agree. It also may give you a more realistic idea of variance and what to expect out of a session. 3 winning and 3 losing sessions is hardly a large enough sample size to be concerned with the results. How many hands/hours are you playing in each session?




I have played during 3 hours in each session.

the main problem is that I don't really know how to bet well.


Well-Known Member
anto said:
I have played during 3 hours in each session.

the main problem is that I don't really know how to bet well.
"PLAY BLACKJACK LIKE THE PROS" by Kevin Blackwood will explain exactly how to bet using the hi-lo count.